相机买来已经两年有余,突然发现有点不大会拍照了,拍出来的东西总是不满意,要么噪点很高,要么景深过大,糊掉扔进垃圾箱的废片数量每日剧增 —— 瓶颈啊,哀嚎中。
我的 Olympus sp-550uz,刚面世时市场价500刀,我买的时候是250刀。那时被这个价格诱惑得,也没怎么在网上查一下review 就冲到 futureshop 去扛回来了。最近为了能更好得抓拍女儿美丽瞬间,努力在挖掘相机的功能,一有时间就趴在网上看高手的作品。无意中发现了一篇很专业的对该相机的评估报告,结论中“You have to be careful when reviewing cameras that you take a realistic view of how the typical buyer will actually use it, and what they can realistically expect it to do. I say this because the SP-550UZ gave us one of the most time-consuming, frustrating lab tests we've ever done. Why? Because it doesn't like focusing on charts, its custom white balance has a somewhat laid-back approach to accuracy and the mild distortion and curvature of field make shooting anything square and flat difficult. It also doesn't show a full 100% preview on screen (which again, makes shooting charts a nightmare). “ 着实让我大受刺激同时又对评估中所显示相机的缺点深有同感。作者在文章最后写到:“And yet the funny thing is, that after all that, I actually quite liked it. I guess - in a perverse way - it's sometimes nice to use a camera that forces you out of the lazy 'point and shoot' mentality and reminds you that photographers, not cameras, take pictures.”,
