这个月病房轮转,从一开始就非常非常stressful,主治医生近乎刻薄的严厉让我每天如履薄冰。有一天早上查房的时候,我说完诊疗计划以后,主治医生不耐烦地说,What makes you think of that? 我的言语越来越苍白,他没有听完就打断了我,然后说了自己的意见。我埋头写会诊意见,使劲不让自己的沮丧涌上来。去看下一个病人的时候,我默默地走着,主治医生似乎意识到了什么,尽量想让气氛活跃一点,其实这时候我最需要的是一点点自己的时间让情绪平静下来,但是主治医生不停地问这问那,然后他说,I feel bad that I make you feel bad.
LuoHua, I am working in teaching hospital as an ICU nurse. I understand the stress you have been through as I have seen interns crying privately several times. I have to say I admire your courage that you can at least wipe out your tear and continue. My wife is in an CRNA program that is so stressful her prozac is no longer sufficient. She is thinking about quitting now. I told her that no matter what decision she makes, I will be supporing her 100% but deep down I know that she will regret the decision and it will haunt her for the rest of her life. I have been here for 8 years,finally got my green card and MSN. Just when I thought that I don't have to exhaust myself for school and work, now I have my wife's problem to deal with. Life is not easy for most of the people, I just wish I can take on her stress because I know I can handle it no matter how hard it is but she is the one feeling the pressure, which makes me helpless. I never made a comment on your blog, I have to say, it gives me a lot of strength and comfort as I am feeling you are fighting for your life and future like I do. Thanks a lot.
流沙随风 发表评论于
其实这是一个敬业的问题。大多数美国人很敬业,大多数美国医生更敬业。只要你认为自己敬业了,不要feel bad. I guess that what that doctor wanted to tell you :)
attending也说“I feel bad that I make you feel bad.”言辞间的爱护,就说明你已经足够好了!
小泥山 发表评论于
Hug you !
I can see that you are trying your best. I'm sure you'll be the best doctor in the future.
Your husband is very understanding and supportive. I'm very happy for you :)
kxl 发表评论于
big hug...
charmaine2 发表评论于
xux 发表评论于
Sorry, not much I can say. hug hug.
大林 发表评论于
落花飘零 发表评论于
一双旧皮鞋 发表评论于
Hug, Hug. This whole painful process is just for the purpose of improving ourselves, so take a distance and take a break and then go back to the battlefield...
I want to say thank you so much for your recent help...
落花飘零 发表评论于
大林 发表评论于
落花飘零 发表评论于
Amy, hug hug. I was upset at myself, not at the attending at all. His job is not to make me feel good, but to make sure patients are getting taken care of. Learning to recieve criticism and working on it, is part of training process, it is just hard to swallow sometimes.
Appleflower 发表评论于
At least your attending feels bad that he makes you feel bad. I know lots that deliberately likes to make other people feel bad. Hugs.