美股十字路口: A Game Changing Day?

The storm hit much earlier than what I expected, the major indices all

broke down today and penetrated multi layers of supports. EUR, the

validated leading indicator of US equity markets, got rejected right at its

EMA200 line a few days ago and is heading back down at an unprecedented


Today is booked as a super Major Distribution Day with NYDNV/NYUPV ratio

measured at 37.14. Although a rebounce would be assured in the next a

couple of days, but the recovery velocity must be watched closely with

all eyes to determine if a major down trend has began. It remains a mystery

whether today would be a repeat of 11/05/2008 (collapsed big time) or

12/01/2008 (quickly rebounced to a new high).

Given both VIX and TLT has made a bullish falling wadge, which are

harmoniously orchestrated with a flood of bad news reflecting the economy

fundamentals seriously undermined, I\'m afraid that the Summer rally might

be ended this week. As you can see from the charts attached, bull\'s only

hope is lying upon some technical hints:

SPY EMA200 support

EUR EMA50 support

VIX BB Top/EMA200 resistance

TLT BB Top resistance

Well, let\'s wait for the market move to see further indications and act


cyou 发表评论于
spy broke down from a triangle pattern on daily. But remember, the initial move (breakdown) out of a triangle is usually false move. so we still have chance to go higher...just don't know when.
latecomeinstock 发表评论于
Well said. Thanks,多吉 .
My shorts are out of water yesterday.
