几个星期前,我们去休斯敦看亲戚,住在她的大房子里,才知道休斯敦的同学好幸福,大房子住着,很宽敞,还不贵。休斯敦虽然热,但房子便宜;多伦多很冷,房子还好贵。有一天晚上做了一个梦,梦见自己也搬到休斯敦去了。日出而做,日落而息,和老墨肩并肩以剪草为生。醒来自己都笑了,是不是THE GRASS ALWAYS LOOKS GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE?
property tax in Houston area: %2.0 - $3.2 (new construction), up to 4.0% like sienna plantation which is new, far away from highway access. Sugar Land, Katy, Medical Center are the most popular area for most chinese.
of course! A 2-bedroom townhouse near Chinatown can be just around $60-70K, or even $29999, as newspaper showed!
Houston is a good place for many chinese to retire: winter - nice weather; summer - only 3 months hot, better than HongKong (humid, crowded, cantonese-speaking). Many nice, handsome white man!