Gentlemen's Talk

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--感谢石进原创 夜的钢琴曲之二

With a brother from the same hometown
having the same birthday for your frown
We were nowhere near the clown

A serious man-to-man talk
setup by our beloved goddess of the deadlock
Help and protection turn into the love lock
on your family sidewalk
Secret love was already ticking prior to my own clock
of intimate journey with her started only days of crosswalk

I was grateful, understanding and feeling the meltdown
between her and you as I was feeling now
I said it would be her choice to rundown
You said you have no hesitation to let her gone
since she will be in my 'town'

On the second floor of an atrium both of us brokedown
as one or two of our American friends saw tears
swirled in two man's eyes of brown
as the mixed emotions safely touchdown
No showdown nor knockdown

A farewell dinner to the past between the two was held later
In the final exam the day after
It was the frist time I had scored higher than her
for the reason she explained years later
for the tears of all three of us I still remembered to this day long after

心神不宁 发表评论于
WOW,very detailed.......nice writing.:)