Get her record from American Embassy. At the same time, hire a lawyer in US. The lawyer will ask to put some money ( around $2000, I think.) down at the begining. But the lawyer can also freeze her husband's all bank account and real estate property. Try to get back to US. Divorce here. She won't get anything if she does it in China. She can also ask Alimony since she doesn't have a job. This is the kind of money she has to spend (Most likely she will get him to pay the lawyer cost since she doesn't have a job here.). Also tell her to start record the conversation between her and him. It is legal. Save all the paperwork. AMerican legal system is one of the best in the world. As long as he stays in US, even Canada, his social secuity number is linked to his employer, the government can directly withdraw money from his pay check and send to your friend. And the most important part is that mothers always get the castody if she doesn't have any criminal records. That's the main reason that she has to try everything to come back. Good luck to her.
I agree with onyourside. I think the most important thing is to get back her documents and go back to the U.S. Go to the US embassy and tell them that her document is lost. There are plenty of translators inside the embassy and they will help her especially her son is American citizen. Never be separate from the kid.
In the mean time, she should not sign any document.
orange88 发表评论于
MiGao, my summer has been really chaotic. I wanted to commend you on your previous articles in your blog, but wasn't convenient for me at the time. Please give me some time to think about this case and I will get back to you to your QQH. Take care.