---Thanks for your comments. I am sorry that my postings lead you confused and agitated, but I am happy to clarify anything in my previous replies that you are not clear about. Also, it would be delightful to read the facts that you would like to face.
2) 阁下能否清楚地表明:你到底想要说什么?你是不是想说:“世界上各民族的素质都是一样的”?
Please see my previous postings for details. One more thing to add that“世界上各民族的素质都是 ((不))一样的," however, NO one group/race is superior than another group/race.
For example, your neighbour John Smith is strong, healthy, smart,and you are small, weak,and with no much intelligence(hypothetically). Can you say the group/race John Smith represents is superior than the group you represent?
I hope your answer would be no, but it's your choice if you say yes.
That's why the racism is dangerous, and that's why the racism is out of favor after World War II when people finanlly realized what the implication of racism can bring and lead to?
liuyanghe 发表评论于
fayfei 发表评论于
"素质" is a relative concept. In the history of human beings, there is no standard benchmark for it. For example, Hitler believed that Germans have better 素质 than Jews; Japanese believe they have better 素质 than Chinese; Chinese believe their 素质 are better than another group...where to stop?
Another example, based on your comments,one may believe you have very DIRTY 素质, but you may believe your 素质 is the second to none, or as good as Hitler's, since you guys have the same beliefs that improvement of human race is the way to solve problems.
I see. You may also have different point view on the color of a object. For example, in your eyes, black is actully blue, red is black, and so on... Enjoy it!
I think so too, but it's not easy for me to type in Chinese on this computer. My apology. Your translation is very beautiful. Thanks!
Let's take a look the general definition of racism. ---"Racism is the belief that the genetic factors which constitute race are a primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race."
You couldn't be more clear about your strong belief that one group/class of people are less/more superior than another group due to their different human capacity ("人口整体素质较低/高"), which leads to different GDP, economic growth, etc.
I do understand that you are not a big fan of racism (at least I hope so), but you do sound like it. No offense.
Both Brazil and Argentina had a long history of very CORRUPTED political/economic systems, and very unlawful social orders as well. That's the factor which made the major difference, not because Joe A in Brazil has worse 人口整体素质 than Joe B in America, not because Joe A's grandfather is from England, and Joe B's grandmother is from Spain.
Yes, it does. The purpose is to give you one example that people would work, act, embrace, and develop differently under different political and economic policies, even in the same nation. The achievements are built upon different systems, not because the folks from 1978 to 2010 have better 人口整体素质 than those in previous 30 years, assuming everything else being equal.
The same reasons –unlawful society, totally corrupted politics, economics, military, educations, and very awful leaderships, it’s not because the people are not smart enough, not hard-working enough, or “人口整体素质较低”.
No. Three major reasons: a) China has been doing well in past 30 years since we have "role models" readily available everywhere. We don’t have to reinvent wheels in many cases; b) the average growth rate of 11% in past few decades is driven by low wages, exports, domestic construction, and more recently a real estate bubble. What are these items? ----- policies; c) we start from very low base.
7) One more example. Whose人口整体素质较低/高 between North Koreans and South Koreans? Who are smarter? Why do they have different economic achievements? Do you think their different 人口整体素质, based on your theory, can explain?
同意fayfei,你听上去不折不扣的racist。不过几乎所有人都是racist or racialist,区别在于说与不说罢了。
你分析的很有道理,美国赢在移民、败在移民,赢在强盗、败在报应。败在民主党是和平演变,败在共和党是宗教无知。one way or the other,死定了。
laha 发表评论于
Chinese are very smart, hard-working,also some Chinese are very selfish, always fight each other.That was one of the reasons why China had culture revolution.(1966-1976).And the 文革 was very big reason we lost from 1949 to 1978.
我在休斯敦住过三年,后来跟先生一商量,搬!虽然那里中国人不少,可是老墨和老黑更多。后来在一个白人居绝大多数的东部郡住了四年多。我并不是种族歧视,只是亲身感觉中产以上收入白人多的地方更文明更安全,住起来更舒心一些。其实我们原来在休斯敦是住在west university place一带,相当好的区,可是那个城市,移民尤其是老墨实在是太多了,我们当然不可能总呆在家里。到美国旅居,是为了学习西人的优点,体验西方的文明的,不是来看大多数拉丁美洲移民如何吃苦耐劳,随遇而安,不求上进的。
arthor is not only a racist but also ignorant of history. don't forget spain used to be one of the most powerful country in the world.
fayfei 发表评论于
Please do not act like racist... if you can, and racism is out of favor after the World War II.
Ultimately, the POLITICAL and ECONOMIC SYSTEMS play the pivotal roles than any other factors in the overall development of a nation. It's the optimal political and economic systems which allow the potentials of all people to be fully developed.
I hope you agree that typical Chinese people are hard-working and smart, even using your standard, but what we have done for those years that we lost from 1949 to 1978? Why? the political and economic systems. On the other hand, think about the achievements that we have in last 30 years? Why, the political and economic system. It's ally done by the same group of people, Chinese.
If the so-called top classes mentioned in your article would have to live under the Chinese policy from 1949 to 1978. The result would be as bad as you can imagine, if not worse.
laha 发表评论于
White dominate America better for American Chinese
Green_sky 发表评论于
Which is better for American Chinese?
White dominated America or Latino dominated America