儿子马上要上二年级了。说实话,我是不主张跳级的,可儿子一年级都在混,连他老师都说他的阅读,写作和数学决对是三年级水平。 Enhance program 也得二年级才开始,所以他一年级都在混,喜欢和同学玩,但 he didn\'t feel motivated and challenged academically.
Pros to 跳级: 1) up to his academic level.2) work a year early.
Cons: 1) He won\'t have any familiar faces who grow up with him from school and after-school program. 2) Not sure whether he feels emotionally out of place with a year-older kids. 3) leave parents to college one year earlier.
Thoughts? Thanks.