走马观花看美加(3) - 游船篇 Cruise

我的 YouTube:阿平走天涯 Ah Ping Wonders the World
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01 游船上看波斯顿 Boston City

02 波斯顿港口,这里的龙虾很新鲜 Boston harbor

03 911前来过DC和NYC,进白宫,上国会山。现在只能乘游船看大钟。 Giant clock in NYC

04 以前来时曾爬上她的王冠。今非昔比。View of Statue of Liberty from a boat tour

05 转到加拿大游千岛湖 。Thousand Islands between Toronto and Ottawa, Canada

06 世上最短的界桥。Shortest distance for an international border - three metres from Canada to USA!

07 富人的天堂 Life is good on the islands

08 经典的城堡 Stylish building there

09 私人停船处 A boat garage
