小城图书馆 Cerritos Library

我的 YouTube:阿平走天涯 Ah Ping Wonders the World
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001 喜瑞都(Cerritos)在加州洛杉矶附近 的一个小小的城市。却有一个 精美绝伦的图书馆,堪称一绝 The Cerritos Library

002 报纸杂志 The beautiful newspaper and magazine section

003 馆中有馆 Huge books mark the entrance to the children's library

004 读书室 A reading area

005 藏书 Modern-style bookshelves hold numerous books

006 书型椅 A creative bench made to resemble an open book

007 文化展 The culture exhibition

008 外景. The outside of the library at night

009 人造喷泉. Jets of water shoot up at night
