S&P 500

I am 比花花还花, and I approved this message.
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SPY is closed at 112.49 on Sep 17, 2010

it seems that S&P 500 will be likely fall. It did not pass the resistance this Friday. If you have not set up stop order, it is time to do so.

need to see Monday\'s market to have further observation.

比花花还花 发表评论于
Gee, QE2 came out. SP500 went up. see, I was wrong this time. I know I know. it is ok, though I have 40% cash. I am comfortable at this point. So far I have a return of 18%, beating S&P 500 for 8%, with less risk. Let me see if I can sustain this for another year.
邻家妹 发表评论于
take care , i know the DOW will fall deeply within two months..