《孙子兵法》也是中国古籍在世界上影响最大、最广泛的著作之一。翻译版本由来已久,精彩纷呈。早在唐朝(公元618- 906)时期,孙子的军事著作就已介绍到日本。1772年开始传入西方国家。最早的是法国人Jesuit Fr. P. Amiot 直接从中文翻译成法文,据说很受拿破仑的赏识。1800年代初期,《孙子兵法》的俄译本开始在俄罗斯出现,最著名的是N.Konrad的版本。1905年英国的E. F. Calthrop上尉从日语本翻译成英文本,书名叫The Art of Strategy. 随后不久,大英博物馆东方书籍文稿管理员Lionel Giles直接从中文翻译成英文,书名为The Art of War,于1910年出版,随后不断再版。直到1983年再版时还附加了美国作家James Clavell的评注。1910年开始由von Bruno Navarra翻译成德文。1956年J.I. Siderenko的俄汉对照本由苏联军事出版社出版。1963年,退休的美国海军陆战队准将SumuelB. Griffith将军的译本The Art of War于1963年出版。而当下流行的则有两个版本,即Cheng Lin的The Art of War和Tang Zi-Chang的Principles of Conflict. 除译本之外,注释本也是由来有自,呈现出一派百花齐放,百家争鸣的局面。
需要说明的是,《孙子兵法》博大精深,对其中的一些概念或词句的理解历来仁者见仁,智者见智。尤其是对一些概念词句的翻译,在选词造句上,更是灵活多样。比如对于“用兵”一词的理解,有人认为是“领兵打仗”,有人认为是“运用兵法”,如果照字面翻译,前者可以是deploy forces to wage a war; 如果是后者则可以是execute the art of war. 而“兵法”,有人翻译成art of war, 有人则翻译成strategy. 又比如“战斗”,可以翻译成fight, 也可翻译成conflict. 还比如,“敌人”,既可以翻译成enemy, 也可翻译成opponent. “兵”既可以翻译成forces, 也可翻译成troops或 corps等。“将帅”,既可翻译成general,也可翻译成commander, 当然还可以翻译得抽象一点leader. “攻击”既可翻译成attack, 也可翻译成challenge.
2.兵:此处不是指soldier, troops “士兵”,也不是指weapon “兵器”,而是指military affairs“军事”或war, warfare“战事、战争”。这里采用后者,即战争war。但此后文中将随情况而采用soldier, troop等。至于书名“兵法”,译法也不尽相同,除译者采用的the Art of War之外,也有人译成the Art of Strategy.
Sun Tzu said: War is the greatest work of a state. It is the situation of life or death and the Tao of survival or extinction. Therefore, its study mustn’t be neglected.
7.将:读“匠”,军事名词。这个词的含义很广,包括:将军general;统兵者commander in chief; 将官general, admiral (指海军将官); 将领high-ranking military officer, general; 将士officers and soldiers, officers and men. 此外,有时其实就是泛指领导人leader, 译者在本文中将视情况而选择。
It’s very important to weigh it with five fundamentals, rectify it with seven points and study its actual condition. The first is Tao; the second is nature; the third is situation; the forth is leader; the fifth is art.
The Tao inspires the whole army to share identical views and live or die together defying hardship and danger. The nature is about day or night, cold or hot and the system of time. The situation includes high or low, far or near, obstructed or easy, broad or narrow, the chances of life or death. The general is something about intelligence, credibility, humanity, courage and discipline. The art is about institutions and systems, power and responsibilities, funds and resources. About these five points, leaders should have nothing which they don’t know. If they know, they will win or they will be defeated.
1. 主:指一国之君,译法很多,如master, sovereign, lord, king等等,不一而足。但文中所指的只是诸侯国,不够正式国家的级别。英文虽然也按照“国家”的含义翻译成state,但这个“一国之主”并非现今的总统president,亦非整个王国之首king。这些所谓的主,与封建领主lord类似。译者在此选用lord指代“主”。当然lord一词意思很多。有时也指君主,如our sovereign lord the King英国等国对封建君主的称呼,即“国王陛下”。另外,View也可作“主”解释,但还可指Jesus耶稣的尊称“主”。
Therefore to weigh it with five fundamentals, rectify it with seven points and study its actual condition. Say to me: Which lord has the Tao? Which general has ability? Who has an advantage in nature and situation? Whose orders are workable? Who enjoys superiority in military strength? Who possesses skillful soldiers? Who is strict and impartial in meting out rewards and punishments? According to these, I can infer who will win or lose.
Generals who heed my strategic decisions can definitely win so long as you employ them. Then retain them. Generals who do not heed my strategic decisions can definitely lose if you employ them. Then remove them. Carrying out wise strategic decisions can make a favorable course of development which can reinforce you outwardly. The course of development asks you to guide what you do along it so as to gain the initiative.
War depends on the paradox of Tao. Therefore, appear unable though able; appear not to use when use; show attacking distantly though attack closely; show attacking closely though attack distantly. So, lure opponents through advantages when they are greedy; attack them when they are in disorder; guard against them when they are strong; provoke them to anger when they are filled with fury; look down upon them when they feel themselves inferior; make them tired out when they are full of vim and vigor; sow discord among them when they are near and dear; attack them when are unprepared; appear suddenly where they are least expected. These are the secrets for strategists to triumph. They must not be disclosed beforehand.
Before opening fire, those who anticipate results to win have more conditions to triumph; before opening fire, those who anticipate results to lose have fewer conditions to triumph. Those who have more opportunities to triumph can win while those who have fewer conditions to triumph will lose. Let alone have no conditions! Calculating on the basis, I could see victory or defeat.
Sun Tzu said: Generally, the artful strategy must be supported with a good preparation including 1,000 swift four-horse vehicles, 1,000 armored four-horse vehicles, 100,000 armed troops, provisions transported from 1,000 miles away, daily expenses, further expenditure for visitors, construction materials such as resin and varnish, supply for armors and four-horse vehicles. According to the above mentioned, 1,000 pieces of gold will be spent everyday. And it is only after having all these fully prepared that an army of 100,000 strong can be raised.
4.挫锐:部队的锐气受挫。锐气,vigor, dashing spirit. 挫,dampen. 因此“挫锐”可以译成dampen vigor. 还可译成take off the edge off the dashing spirit, 如:挫折敌人的锐气:take the edge off the spirit of the enemy forces或deflate the enemy’s arrogance.
When a challenge is executed, a swift triumph is extremely important. If triumph is prolonged, the strategy will become dull and the edge will be taken off the dashing spirit of the troops. Consequently, when attacking a fortified city, strength will be compromised. Worse of all, the financial resources of the state will be insufficient. If so, other lords will execute challenges by taking advantage of your weakness. Even wise men cannot well manage this carry-over situation.
Therefore, we have only heard someone who has no fine strategy but pays much attention to swift triumph yet have not heard anyone who has fine strategy but persists in prolonging triumph. It has never happened that waging wars all the time will be beneficial to the state. Therefore, those who do not well know the weak points of war-waging do not well know the strong points of war-waging either.
3.枯竭:耗尽,drain, use up;deplete。 耗尽敌人的军队deplete the opponents’ forces.
4.中原:the Central Plains.
5.丘牛:丘,春秋时期划分田地和区城的单位。九夫为井,四井为邑,四邑为丘,四丘为甸,四甸为县,四县为都,以任地事而令贡斌。丘甲,当时的税赋制规定,每甸应出毂一乘,戎马四匹,牛十二头,甲士三人,步卒七十二人。有鉴于此,“丘牛”并非普通百姓私家饲养的牛,而是因赋税而征收的牛,属于公家财产。当然翻译成英文不必如此复杂,不妨翻译为heavier oxen and larger vehicles,其含义是,与私人牛和车相比,因税征收的牛和车要大些。
Those who are expert in executing art of war neither recruit soldiers repeatedly nor transport provisions time and again. By gaining resources from other states and getting provisions from opponents, the provisions of their own can be sufficient. It is only because of long-distance transportation that a state becomes poor. The reason is that long-distance transportation makes people suffer from poverty. Prices definitely inflate at the places near war districts. And price-inflating will drain the people of their wealth. As a result, taxes become larger and more urgent, and more and more servitudes are badly needed. The state’s wealth is depleted and its strength is compromised. The homes of the people in the Central Plains are emptied. Seventy percent of the people’s wealth was lost. And sixty percent of the state’s wealth was lost because of broken four-horse vehicles, tired horses and a large amount of supply of helmets and armors, bows and arrows, halberds, spears, shields and sculls as well as heavier oxen and larger vehicles.
Therefore, wise leaders get food from opponent. One container which I get from opponent is equal to twenty ones of mine; one unit of fodder from opponent is equal to twenty units of mine.
So, the reason to destroy opponent is rage. Taking hold advantage from opponent is to take their resources. During a challenge, among those who are able to seize ten four-horse vehicles or more, the one to seize them first should be rewarded and his banners and flags should be changed. When using four-horse vehicles, you should incorporate yours with the ones got from opponents. And at the same time, you should leniently treat and well train captives. It is known as to enhance your own strength by use triumph over opponents.
6. 故兵贵胜,不贵久。 故知兵之将,民之司命。国家安危之主也。
2.司命:掌握决定命运preside over destiny.
Therefore,during a challenge, a swift triumph is better than a prolonged one. So generals who well understand art of war preside over the destiny of the people and determine the security or danger of the state.
Sun Tzu said: Generally, the principle of war is that to let the whole opponent state surrender is ideal, and to destroy it is inferior; to make the whole opponent corps surrender is ideal and to destroy it is inferior; to make the whole opponent brigade surrender is ideal and to destroy it is inferior; to make the whole opponent zu surrender is ideal and to destroy it is inferior; to make the whole wu surrender is ideal and destroy it is inferior. Therefore, to attack one hundred times and triumph one hundred times is not to have supreme skills. Only to make opponent surrender without challenge is to have supreme skills.
So, the best strategy is to thwart opponent’s plan. The second best one is to break opponent’s alliance through negotiations. The third best one is to thwart opponent’s art of war. And the most inferior one is to attack opponent’s fortified cities. Attacking fortified cities is the last resort which can only be adopted without any other choices. It takes three months to make everything necessary ready such as sculls, vehicles and tools. It takes three months longer to pile up an earth mound. Very much angry, the general orders his soldiers to ant-like swarm. As a result, one-third of his troops are destroyed without uprooting the city. This is the catastrophe of city attacking. Therefore, those who are good at executing art of war can bend opponents without conflict and uproot opponents’ fortified cities without attacking. It is unnecessary to take a long time to destroy a state. It is extremely important to strive for all round triumphs. Only by doing so, can you protect your strategy from being harmed and ensure complete gains for you. This is the very art of plan-attacking.
Artful strategy can be executed as follows: When opponents are ten times greater than you, surround them; five times greater, attack them; two times greater, scatter them; evenly matched, cut them up; when you are fewer in number, evade them; when you are uneven to match, avoid them. If so, even smaller opponents are in strong position, larger opponents can capture them.
Generals are auxiliary personnel to a state. If they provide assistance wholeheartedly, the state will be strong. Otherwise, the state will be weakened. The lord maybe endangers his army in three ways: Without understanding that the force cannot advance, but he calls for an advance and without understanding that the force cannot retreat, but he calls for a retreat. This is called force- encumbering; without understanding the military affairs of the entire force, but he arbitrarily intervenes the management and if so, the officers and soldiers will be perplexed; without understanding the responsibilities and power limits of the entire force, but he forcibly commands and if so, the officers and soldiers will be suspicious. If his entire force is both perplexed and suspicious, the day is near for other lords to make troubles. This is called a disordered army leading others to triumph.
2.御:牵制,干预。干预的表达法很多,诸如:interfere in , intervene in, meddle in (with), poke (one’s nose) into. 不干涉别国内政not interfere (or meddle) in the internal affairs or other nations. 干涉别人的私事interfere in (or poke into) others’ private affairs. 武装干涉armed intervention.
Thus, triumph can be predicted from five aspects: Generals know either the possibility to fight or the impossibility to fight, triumph is ensured. Generals know the ways to direct either the numerous or the few, triumph is ensured. The entire force acts in concert, triumph is ensured. Those well prepared fight the unprepared, triumph is ensured. Generals are capable and the lord does not interfere, triumph if ensured. These five points are the ways to foresee triumph.
So it is said: Know the other and know yourself, you can fight a hundred battles with no danger; know not the other but know yourself, one triumph for one defeat; know not the other and know not yourself, every battle is certain peril.
Sun Tzu said, in ancient times, those who were good at fighting firstly made themselves the conditions of not being defeated and then waited for the opportunities that opponents can be defeated. As for keeping yourself from being defeated by opponents, the key problem is at your side. Yet as for being able to triumph over opponents, the conditions are provided by opponents. Therefore, as for those who are good at fighting, the only thing they can do is to keep themselves from being defeated but not let opponents keep themselves from being defeated. Thus we can say that triumph can be foreseen but can not be obtained forcibly.
If triumph is impossible, do defend. If triumph is possible, do attack. The reason to defend is the insufficiency of force. The reason to attack is the surplus of force. Forces good at defending are like hiding under the ground too deeply to be easily found. Forces good at attacking are like coming down from the heaven too suddenly to be guarded against. If so, you can save yourself and gain a full victory.
When foreseeing triumph, those who know no more than common people can not be considered as the best of all. After gaining triumph, those who are praised by all cannot be considered as the best of all. Those who can raise birds’ newly grown feathers in autumn cannot be considered as having the best eyesight. Those who can hear thunderclap cannot be considered as having the best hearing. In ancient times, those who were said as being good at executing art of war were actually the persons who could defeat the enemies that were easy to defeat. The reason for them to be skillful at executing art of war was neither that they had wisdom and good reputation nor that they had surpassing mettle and virtuous deeds but that they made no errors. Having no errors, their measurements must be advantageous to them to triumph. Therefore, it means that they defeated the enemies who had already been defeated. Therefore, those who are skilled in executing art of war can not only put themselves into a situation whereat they cannot be defeated but also miss no opportunities which can help them defeat opponents.
4. 是故胜兵先胜而后求战,败兵先战而后求胜。善用兵者,修道而保法,故能为胜败之政。
1. 修道:提高对“道”的修养,cultivate the Tao.
2. 保法:使兵法得到保证,就是说对“道”的修养提高之后,才能保证兵法的实施。保法,secure the Tao.
Therefore, winning generals are certain to triumph before seeking challenges while losing generals are certain to challenge before seeking triumph. Those who are skilled in executing art of war should cultivate the Tao and secure strategy before they can be good at managing political affairs no matter winning or losing in military affairs.
5. 兵法:一曰度,二曰量,三曰数,四曰称,五曰胜。地生度,度生量,量生数,数生称,称生胜。
2.生:生出,引出;决定。生出,指前面一个问题生出或引出下一个问题。可以根据A give rise to B 的句式逐一翻译。如采取“决定”之意,则不妨如译者这样采用A decides B 的句式逐一翻译。
Arts of war includes: 1. Width of battlefield; 2. Quantity of resources; 3. Number of troops; 4. Comparison of force; 5. Triumph of war. Situation decides width of battlefield. Width of battlefield decides quantity of resources. Quantity of resources decides number of troops. Number of troops decides comparison of force. Comparison of force decides triumph of war.
6.故胜兵若以镒称铢,败兵若以铢称镒。 胜者之战,若决积水于千仞之溪者,形也。
1.镒称铢:镒与铢分别读“意”与“珠”。计量单位。前者小,后者大。如果音译,写成斜体yi and zhu即可。不过这里并不是真正讲的具体度量单位问题,而是借以说明大小对比的关系。如果音译,外文读者并不知道其中的含义,不如以英语中常用的重量单位磅和盎司翻译更能直观地表述。
So, winning force is like comparing pound with ounce, namely, comparing small with big. By doing so, superiority can be obtained. But losing force is like comparing ounce with pound, namely, comparing big with small. By doing so, superiority will be lost. A winning force in conflict is just like digging open pent-up water of a thousand-foot stream. The momentum cannot be blocked. This is the matter of positioning.
Generally speaking, administering the numerous is like administering the few. It depends on reasonable organization. Fighting against the numerous is like fighting against the few. It depends on effective command. The entire force is strong as it is. It can sustain no defeat thought it may suffer from attack from opponents. It depends on properly launching sudden attacks and regular attacks. The force attacks opponents like an egg is thrown onto a milestone. It depends on properly executing the strategy of attack feint and real.
In conflicts, a regular attack is launched for meeting the approaching opponent head on and a sudden attack is launched for triumph over the opponent. So those who are good at suddenly attacking can make their forces boundless as heaven and earth, inexhaustible as great rivers. Thus, they can come to the end and cycle to the beginning as the sun and moon. They can expire and cycle to rebirth like the four seasons. There are only five tones. But they excel in changes which are more than they can ever be heard. There only five colors. But they excel in changes which are more than they can ever be seen. There are only five flavors. But they excel in changes which are more than they can ever be tastes. There are only two momentums in conflicts, namely, regular attack and sudden attack. Yet they can be variegated through changes, boundless and endless. The changes of the strategy of sudden attack and regular attack can be variegated so shifty. Who can put t an end to them?
The speediness of swift current can float stones. It depends on its momentum. The swiftness of eagles can kill sparrows. It depends on its rhythm. Those who are skilled in conflict can make a tremendous momentum and have a short and pressing rhythm. Their momentum is like drawing a bow to accumulate strength while their rhythm is like bending a bow to shoot an arrow.
Warfare is miscellaneous and toilsome. Those who deal with disordered situations must not confuse their own positions. Those who deal with puzzling cases must not make any arrangements full of loopholes. Confusion is the product of order. Chicken-heartedness is the product of braveness. Weakness is the product of powerfulness. Order or disorder, it depends on organization. Brave or chicken-hearted, it depends on momentum. Powerful or weak, it depends on arrangement.
Therefore, who are skilled in moving opponents’ troops depend on arrangements. Opponents are certain to follow them. Opponents are certain to accept whatever to be given. Move opponents with gain and deploy troops to lie in wait for them.
Thus, those who are skilled in conflict seek momentum without blaming others. So they are good at selecting people and creating momentum. Those who are skilled in creating momentum act like moving wood and stone. The nature of timber and boulders is as follows: they are still when stable; they are rolling when unstable; they are still when squared; they are rolling when rounded. Therefore the momentum-creating of the people who are skilled in conflicts is just like rolling round stones on a 1,000 meter high mountain. This is called momentum.
3.劳:疲劳,筋疲力尽 tired out, fatigued. 以逸待劳:wait at one’s ease for the fatigued enemy (opponent). 劳逸结合:combine work with adequate rest; strike a proper balance between work and leisure.
4.致:制约restrict, condition.
6.害:危害danger and harm. 此处指以危害阻挠敌方。与上文的“利”advantage相对应,就是战时的不利条件disadvantage. 阻挠:obstruct, thwart. 百般阻挠:obstruct in every possible way. 计划受到阻挠:be thwarted in one’s plan. 是什么阻挠了两国关系正常化呢?What stands in the way of normalization of relations between these two countries? 由此可见,不同情况的“阻挠”有不同的翻译法,这也体现了翻译的灵活性和多样性。
Sun Tzu said, those who are early to arrive at battlefield to lie in wait for opponents are at ease, while those who are late to arrive at battlefield to launch attack hurriedly are fatigued. So those who are skilled in conflict restrict others without being restricted by others. If you want to make opponents approach on their own initiative, use advantage to lure them. If you don’t want to make opponents approach, create disadvantage to obstruct them. Therefore, if opponents are full of vim and vigor, make them tired out. If opponents have sufficient grain, make them go hungry. If opponents are calm, force them to move.
Launch attack to where is beyond reinforcement from opponent; start attack when opponent cannot predict. Travel a long way without being tired because you go where is beyond defense of opponent. If attacking, occupation is ensured because you attack where opponent is negligent of defense. If defending, the position must be strong because you defend where opponent must attack. Those who are skilled in attack make opponent not to know where they should defend. Those who are skilled in defense make opponent not to know where they should attack. How subtle it is! You have already landed yourself in an invisible situation. How magical it is! You have already landed yourself in a noiseless situation. Thus you can be the one who masters the opponent’s destiny.
1.攻:进攻offensive, attack, assault. offensive常指大规模攻势;attack多指具体攻击行动;assault指一次突击性的、短促的攻击。此外,fight, challenge 等也都可指“攻击”。发起攻击,launch an attack on somebody.
2.御:抵御resist, put up resistance. 抵抗侵略resist aggression; stand against aggression.
We launch attack but opponent is unable to resist. It is because that we strike the place that is the weak point of opponent. We retreat but opponent is unable to catch up with us. It is because that we are too speedy for opponent to pursue us. Therefore, so long as we fight against opponent, opponent has to meet our fight though they enjoy favorable situations of towering walls and deep waterways. It because that we strike the key position that opponent must rescue. So long as we do not fight against opponent, opponent is unable to fight against us though where we defend is only a boundary line we drew on the ground. It is because we reversed the direction of opponent’s advance.
Therefore, opponent is exposed while we are concealed; our forces are concentrated while opponent’s forces are dispersed. Our forces are gathered into one team, while opponent’s forces are divided into ten teams. Thus we are numerous but opponent is few and we can defeat the few by the numerous. If so, the opponents we must defeat must be few. Opponent does not know the place whereat we fight against them. They will set up defenses everywhere. If so, they will have many places whereat they must set up defenses. As a result they have fewer places whereat they can oppose us. Hence the following situations: when guarding against opponent at the front, it is weak at the rear; when guarding against opponent at the rear, it is weak at the front; when guarding against opponent at the left side, it is weak at the right side; when guarding against opponent at the right side, it is weak at the left side. Thus, when guarding against opponent everywhere, it is weak everywhere. The forces are few. It is because that they are to guard against opponents. The forces are numerous. It is because that they are to force opponent to engage self-defense.
Thus, if knowing either place where to fight or time when to fight, we can go far away to engage challenge. If knowing neither place where to fight nor time when to fight, the force on the left cannot rescue the force on the right, the force on the right cannot rescue the force on the left; the force at the front cannot rescue the force at the rear, the force at the rear cannot rescue the force at the front. Let alone conflicts are engaged as far as ten miles away or at least several miles away. It seems to me that the forces of Yue State have no favorable conditions to triumph at all thought they are numerous. So it is said that triumph can be managed. The key problem is that you can force opponent not to fight though they are numerous.
7.因形而措胜:根据行踪获胜。跟踪trail, follow in the track, follow on the heels. 跟踪敌人follow in the track of the enemy; follow on the heels of the enemy. 跟踪追击follow on someone’s heels in hot pursue; tread on someone’s heels in hot pursue.
Therefore, through calculating, we know strategies related to triumph or failure; through probing, we know reasons to keep calm or moving; through scouting, we know battlefields concerning life and death; through engaging conflicts, we know our own strong points and weak points. So our perfect fighting attitude is to gain the capability to let opponents find no traces of ours. If so, our opponents cannot spy on us thought they penetrate into our area and they cannot create any countermeasures either even if they are wiser than ever before. When we triumph by executing strategy of following on opponents’ heels, no common people can make out the secrets even if we display everything openly. Everyone knows our victories but no one knows the reasons to help us win the victories. So the cases about winning victories cannot be repeated. And it is due to the capability to control the innumerable cases.
The feature of force-positioning is like flowing water. And the feature of water is to evade high lands and flow to low lands. And the feature of force-positioning is to evade strong opponents and fight against weak opponents. It is according to terrain that water controls its direction, while it is according to enemy situation that forces win victories. So there is no regular principle for troops to follow and there is no stable form for water to move. Those who can triumph according to the changes of the enemy situation can be considered as working miracles in commanding troops. As for the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, there is neither regular victory nor regular failure when they restrain each other. As for the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, there is no regular dates when they alternate in succession. Days are sometime long and sometimes short. Moon is sometimes wax and sometimes wane.
Sun Tzu said: The procedure of a war is as follows. Commander is directed by a lord. Force is gathered and masses are assembled. They are united, oriented and encamped. Nothing is more difficult than fighting for initiative. The reason is that indirect must be turned to direct and disadvantage must be turned into advantage. Hence, take indirect route and lure opponent by holding out tiny advantage. Start out after opponent and arrive before them. Those who can manage all these can be considered as well understanding the strategy of indirect and direct.
3.而至: 到达arrive. 另可作“坚持到底”解stick it out; hold on straight to the end; carry through firmly to the end. 而坚持做某事,可用persist in doing或persevere in doing. 前者可用于好事或坏事,而后者一般用于好事,并含有不顾困难坚持下去的意思。其它说法,如insist on 指坚持某种要求、主张和说法;uphold指肯定、拥护某种原则、决议、决定等;adhere to, stick to表示坚持某种意见、政策、方案、计划等。
5.亡:灭亡,失败。 可译成主动式to lose;也可译成被动式to be destroyed, to be defeated, to be wiped out, to be annihilated, to be terminated.
So fight for military initiative may be advantageous; fight for military initiative may be dangerous. If a whole force fights for military initiative, the purpose will not be accomplished. If a force with sufficient provisions will suffer heavy loses. So the result will not be good even if the force, fighting for military initiative, joints battle with light packs, makes a forced march, does not stop day and night, doubles route or even cover 100 miles. Worse of all, even all commanders of the whole force may be captured. Let alone those who are strong walk before and those who are weak walk behind. As a result, only one in ten can arrive. If covering 50 miles, it will result in the fall of the first commander. And if so, only half can arrive. Even if only covering 30 miles, the result will be that only two in three can arrive. Therefore the force without sufficient transportation must be defeated; the force without sufficient provisions must be defeated; the force without sufficient reserves must be defeated.
3.故不知诸侯之谋者,不能豫交;不知山林、险阻、沮泽之形者, 不能行军;不用导者,不能得地利。
1.豫交:打交道deal with, treat with.与敌人打交道deal with the enemy.
So you cannot deal with other lords without knowing their intentions. You cannot move your force without well knowing the conditions of mountains, forests, marshes, dangers and difficulties. You cannot benefit from the advantages of terrain without employing local guides.
So the art of war takes feint as its foundation, takes advantage as its motive, takes the changes of force gathering and force dividing as its principle. Therefore, action is swift as wind. Operation is slow as forest. Movement is slow as forests. Aggression is violent as fire. Immobility is still as mountains. Plan is unknowable as mist. Momentum is tremendous as thunder. Searching countryside, results of battle should be distributed to subordinates. Opening a territory, advantages should be shared with others. Before taking action, advantages and disadvantages should be calculated. You will triumph so long as getting to know how to transform indirect into direct beforehand. It is the principle of war.
On Politics and Military Affairs said: “Speaker cannot be heard, gongs and drums are used. Observers cannot be seen, banners and flags are used.” Gongs and drums, banners and flags have thus become people’s ears and eyes. ” All people unite as one and obey orders so that neither brave people can advance alone nor fearful people can retreat alone. It is the art to order numerous. Therefore torches and drums are used in conflicts in nighttime, while banners and flags are used in conflicts in daytime. And they have thus become people’s ears and eyes.
4.无邀正正之旗:邀,拦截intercept. 正正之旗,旗帜布列有序Banners are orderly and straightforward. 可以这样直译,也可作“军容严整”来翻译。军容:military bearing. 严整:in an orderly manner, in orderly array. array军队的列阵。军容严整The troops are in orderly array.
5.堂堂之陈:阵势堂皇。阵势formation. 堂皇impressive and imposing.
Therefore the entire force can be robbed of its spirit and the commanders can be robbed of their moral. So spirit is sharp in the morning; spirit is idle in the daytime; spirit draws inward at dusk. Those who are skilled in using art of war evade when spirit is sharp and fight when spirit is idle and draws inward. This is the art to control spirit. Order PK disorder. Calm PK noise. This is the art to control mentality. Near PK distant. Comfort PK fatigue. Well-fed PK hungry. This is the art to control strength. Do not intercept opponents in orderly array. Do not attack opponents in impressive and imposing formation. This is art to control variations.
So art in executing artful strategy is as follows: When opponent is in high mountains, never attack; when opponent is behind the hills, never back down; when opponent makes a feint failure, never pursue; when opponent is in high spirit, never attack; when opponent baits a hook, never bite; when opponent withdraws, never interfere; when opponent is surrounded, never forget to leave an opening; when opponent is desperate, never press. This is the way to execute art of war.
Generally, the procedure of a war is as follows. Commander is directed by a lord. Force is gathered and masses are assembled. Forces should never be stationed in obstructed situations. Much attention should be paid to social activities in intersecting situations. Forces should never linger in dangerous situations. Schemes should be created in surrounded situations. Forces should fight for survival in desperate situations. There are some ways you should not take. There are some enemies you should not fight against. There are some cities that should not be attacked. There are some areas that should not be taken. There are some orders from the lord that should not be obeyed.
1.通:精通master, have a good command of; be well versed in; be proficient in. 精通英语:have a good command of English. 精通数学:be (well)versed in mathematics.精通业务:be proficient in professional work; be expert in professional work.
So, the commanders who are well versed in all these strategies are considered as being expert in executing art of war. If failed to have a good command of advantages of the nine variations, a commander cannot benefit from them though he well knows the terrain and its features. Without well understanding the strategies of the nine variations when executing art of war in conflicts, a commander cannot make a full use of persons of talent though he knows the five advantages.
1.杂于:考虑到。杂于利害,利害兼顾。兼顾:give consideration to both … and; take into account … and … 公私兼顾:give consideration to both public and private interests.
2.解:解除relieve, remove, lift. 注意:relieve常用于解除痛苦、忧愁、职务等;remove常用于免除职务、消除疑虑等;lift用于解除封锁、包围、禁令等。但是要注意,上述各点只是一般用法,实际情况却很灵活。请看以下例证。解除职务:relieve(or dismiss) somebody from his post; remove somebody from office. 解除禁令:relieve(or lift) a ban. 解除宵禁:lift the curfew. 解除武装:disarm.解除警报:sound the all clear. 解除婚约:break off one’s engagement.解除思想顾虑:free one’s mind of all misgivings.
So wise men should give consideration to both advantages and disadvantages when thinking over something. Giving consideration to advantages, they can convince others. Giving consideration to disadvantages, misfortunes can be removed.
1.屈:屈从, yield, surrender.
Therefore, other lords should be forced to surrender by means of disadvantages and should be enslaved by means of achievements and should be driven by means of advantages.
So the art of war is as follows: Do not expect that opponents do not come but rely on your own full preparations. Do not expect that opponents do not attack but reply on having your own military strength that makes opponents not dare to attack.
2。必生:引申为贪生covet life, cravenly cling to life. 贪图:seek, hanker for, covet. 贪图安逸:seek ease and comfort. 贪小失大:covet a little and lose a lot. 贪小便宜:keen on gaining petty advantages.
Commanders therefore face five dangers. If they fear death, they will face the danger to be killed. If they cravenly cling to life, they will face the danger to be captured. If they are impetuous, they will face the danger to be insulted. If they are honest, they will face the danger of humiliated. If they are benevolent, they will face the danger to be perturbed. The above mentioned five points are not only the mistakes that commanders usually make but also misfortunes that usually happen in conflicts. The whole force is entirely wiped out and commanders are all killed. Surely this is due to these five dangers. No one should let down his guard against this.
Sun Tzu said that when handling forces and observing opponents, the following principles should be followed. When going through mountain areas, valleys should be chosen. When finding security, highlands should be selected. When fighting against opponents in highlands, attack by means of mountain-climbing should be avoided. This is the rule for force-positioning s in mountain areas. After crossing a river, places far from water should be chosen to encamp. When opponents coming across a river, make a charge at them not in the water but in the time when they half cross the river. This is advantageous. When waging life-and-death battles with opponents, charges should not be made at them near water front. When encamping in places with waterways, highlands should be selected but areas facing waterways should be avoided. This is the rule for force-positioning in area with waterways. When going through mashes, do not stay but leave rapidly instead. If in conflicts with opponents in mashes, places should be selected close to areas whereat water and grass are available with forests as backers. If in flatlands, force-positioning is easy, places should be chosen which is supported by highlands in the right side. And it seems to be a dead end in the front but a way to escape hides in the back. This is the rule for force -positioning in flatlands. The advantages of these four ways for force-positioning are just the reasons for Huangdi to triumph over the other four lords.
Generally speaking, force-positioning prefer highlands and hates lowlands and it treasures the sunny side but disdains the night side. So long as the way to keep fit is given much attention and the location for encamping is realistic, the force will remain healthy. If so, triumph will be ensured. When positioning the force in hill areas, sunny side should be selected which can be taken as the support of the right flank and the rear.
All these are the necessary advantages the force need to have and the supplementary conditions which are supplied by the terrain. When it rains above and the river is flooded, those who want to cross should wait for the flood to subside.
Wherever there are isolating gorges, natural hollows, natural cages, natural snares, natural traps and natural crevices, the force should leave quickly and never approach. The force should keep far from these areas but direct opponents near them. The force should face them so as to make opponents lie behind them. Whenever adjacent to dangers and difficulties, pounds and mashes, reeds and forests or places screened with luxuriant growth, the force should search repeatedly because these are the places whereat opponents usually lay an ambush.
Among opponents, those who are still and near us rely on strategic locations; those who are far from us and constantly make troubles want to lure us to advance; those who encamp in level grounds think that there are advantages they can find. Many trees are swinging because opponents are coming. There are many shelters because opponents are setting puzzling traps. Birds suddenly fly out because opponents lie there in ambush. Animals run widely because opponents are launching a surprise attack. Dust is flying high with its end sharp because opponents’ are approaching by four-horse-vehicle. Dust is flying low with its end wide because opponents are approaching on foot. Dust is scattering because opponents are chopping firewood. Dust is little because opponents are encamping.
Those who are humbly worded and intensify war preparation attempt to attack. Those who are strongly worded and put on a pose to advance are really attempting to retreat. Those who send out light vehicles early and occupy both flanks are deploying combat forces in battle array. Those who come to make peace without having met with setbacks embark on other conspiracy. Those who run rapidly in tidy formations expect something else. Those who partially advance and partially retreat are attempting to entice us.
Those who stand leaning on weapons are hungry. Those who take water and have a drink first are thirsty. Those who do not advance though seeing advantages are tired. If birds gather above camps, the camp is empty. Those who give cry of alarm at night are in dread of something. If the force is disturbed, the commanders are lack of dignity. If the banners and flags are swaying, the force is in a state of chaos. If the commanders of opponents are liable to get angry, the entire force of opponent is tired out. If opponents kill horses and eat their meat, the force is short of food. Those who do not hang cooking pots without attempting go back to camp are tottering foes. If soldiers murmur in a servile manner, they have lost popular support. If troops are constantly given reward, the commanders have no choice but to do this. If troops are frequently punished, the force is in a difficult situation. If commanders roughly treat their subordinates at first and then fear them, this is not astute at all. Those who send people over to negotiate peace are attempting to withdraw troops and call off a battle. Those should be cautiously observed who angrily come to meet us head-on but neither fire at us nor retreat for a long time
As far as troops are concerned in conflicts, it is not the more the better. So long as the force does not rashly advance, it is strong enough to gather troops and foresee opponents and triumph at the end by utilizing the advantages of opponents. Only those who are neither thoughtful nor farsighted but have a tendency to take the enemy lightly will surely be captured by opponents. If penalties are imposed before a close relationship takes form between officers and soldiers, soldiers cannot be heartily convinced. And this sort of soldiers cannot be employed. But if penalties are not imposed after a close relationship takes form between officers and soldiers, the soldiers cannot be employed, too. Hence the gentle measures to make the entire force achieve unity in thought and the strict disciplines to make the entire force act in unison. It is called victories must be won. Rules and orders are always strictly executed and soldiers are very well disciplined, the soldiers are heartily convinced. Or they are not heartily convinced. The case that rules and orders are always strictly executed indicates that the relationship between officers and soldiers is rather harmonious.
Sun Tzu said: There are six forms of terrain, namely, accessible, entangled, indecisive, narrow, precipitous and distant. An area which can be freely traversed by both sides is called accessible. In an accessible area, the first thing to do is to occupy the sunny highlands and ensure a smooth path of provisions. A challenge then will be advantageous. An area which it is possible to go to but difficult to back from is called entangled. In an entangled area, if opponent makes no preparation, triumph is ensured in challenge. Otherwise, triumph is not ensured in challenge. Worse of, it is difficult to go back. Therefore, the challenge will be disadvantageous. An area whereat it is disadvantageous for both sides to launch attacks is call indecisive. In an indecisive area, we do not launch any attacks even if opponent lures us with advantages. What we should do is to lead the force to retreat and wait for the opponent and launch an attack on them when they partially come out. It is advantageous to do so. In a narrow area, we must occupy it first and seal off the passes and lie in wait for the opponent to come. If the opponent occupies it first and seals off the passes, we should not give a challenge to the opponent. But if the passes have not been sealed off, we can challenge the opponent to fight. In a precipitous area, if we occupy it first, we should capture the sunny highlands so as to wait for the opponent. If the opponent occupies it, we should lead the force to leave without giving a challenge. In a distant area, both sides are equal so it is difficult to give a challenge to the opponent. Even if we fight, it is still disadvantageous to us. The above mentioned six points are the general rule for utilizing various terrains. It is the greatest duty for commanders to study them carefully after taking up post.
Therefore, there are six cases among strategies, namely, flight, insubordination, collapse, disintegration, disorder, desertion. All these do not come from natural catastrophes but from the mistakes of commanders. Both sides are equal, but we attempt to attack on ten by one. It is called flight. Troops are strong but commanders are weak. It is called insubordination. Commanders are strong but soldiers are weak. It is called collapse. Commanders are angry and do not obey orders from the chief commander. When meeting with enemy, they are in a rage and arbitrarily launch an attack. But the chief commander knows nothing about his capacity. It is called disintegration. The commanders are weak and lack of dignity. They don’t know how to discipline the soldiers. Therefore the relationship between officers and soldiers is abnormal. As a result, when deploying combat forces in battle array, all things are in a mess. It is called disorder. Commanders cannot well judge the opponent’s situation. He let the few engage the numerous and let the weak engage the strong. And he does not select soldiers perfectly. It is called desertion. The above mentioned six points are all the reasons for losing the war. It is the greatest duty for commanders to study them carefully after taking up post.
2.上将之道:高明的将帅必须遵循的法则。高明:brilliant, bright ,clever, superior.高明的见解:brilliant (or bright) idea.高明的办法:clever way.高明的技术:superior (or advanced) skill. 比别人高明:superior to other people; cleverer than other people; smarter than other people. 另请高明:I suggest you get someone better qualified.
In a conflict, terrain is a supplementary condition. Foresee the opponent’s situation so as to defeat the opponent and win the victory. Observe the terrain to find out whether it is precipitous or easy. Calculate the distance to find out whether it is far or near. All these are the rules for smart commanders to go by. Those who fully know these rules and then execute them will certainly win. Or they will certainly lose.
2.利合于主:符合君主的利益tally with the basic interests of the lord.
符合:conform to, tally with, accord with, be in keeping with, agree with.注意:tally with强调互相一致;accord with强调互相适合。其余各次均兼有二义。他的话符合事实。What he says tallies (agrees) with facts. 符合人民的利益:accord with (be in keeping with)the interests of the people. 符合国家政策:be in line with the national policy. 符合标准:be up to the standard.
According to the general rules in war time, so long as you have full confidence in your victory, you can make challenge resolutely even if the lord does not let you fight. Yet, again, according to the general rules in war time, so long as you don’t have full confidence in your victory, you can refuse to make challenge even if the lord orders you to fight. Therefore, making challenge not to seek fame and retreating not to evade blames, you do everything only for securing the masses and tallying what you do with the basic interests of the lord. Only this sort of generals can be considered as national treasures.
Regarding soldiers as babies, commanders can go with them into the deepest valleys.
Regarding soldiers as offspring, commanders can share life and death with them. Yet, if they are always indulged but cannot be employed, if they are always doted on but cannot be directed, if they always violate the law and discipline but cannot be brought under control, they cannot be employed like spoiled children.
Those who only know their own team is able to confront but do not know if the opponent team is vulnerable are but halfway to triumph. Those who only know the opponent team is able to confront but do not know if their own team is vulnerable are also but halfway to triumph. Those who only know the opponent team is able to confront and their own team is also able to confront but do not know the terrain is disadvantageous are also but half way to triumph. So those who are skilled in war are not puzzling in action but able to verify all sorts of measures. Therefore, those who well know both themselves and the opponent can secure triumph. If they also know something about favorable climate and geographical positions, they can gain a full victory.
Sun Tzu said: generally, according to the art of war, battlefields can be sorted into nine categories, namely, idle area, simple area, competitive area, negotiable area, intersecting area, serious area, obstructed area, surrounded area, and desperate area. Idle area means that we engage a war within our own territory, the situation is idle. Simple area means that we engage a war when we have not yet deeply penetrated the opponent’s territory. Competitive area means that it is to our advantage if we occupy it and at the same time it is also to the opponent’s advantage if the opponent occupies it. Negotiable area means that we can go there and the opponent can come from there, too. Intersecting area means that there is a boundary line linking many countries and those who arrive there first can win support from many lords. Serious area means that we have deeply penetrated the opponent’s territory with many fortifications behind. Obstructed area means that there are many high mountains and dense forests with difficulties and dangers as well as crisscross waterways. As a result, it is too difficult to be penetrated. Surrounded area means that the routes for advancing are too narrow but the routes for retreating are too devious and distant. And the opponent can fight against the numerous by the few. Desperate area means that so long as you make challenge quickly you can survive, otherwise, you will be defeated.
1.合交:注意交际。交际social intercourse, communication.他善于交际。He is a good mixer. 或He is socially active.忙于交际:busy with social activities.
2.掠:掠夺,掠取rob, plunder, pillage, loot.注意:rob指一般的抢劫;plunder, pillage, loot都常指大规模掠夺,尤其指战争中的掠夺,其中plunder为通用词,pillage比较正式而少用;loot则指匆忙地、无组织地,甚至毫无目的地盗窃或掠取。掠夺他人财:rob somebody of his money.掠夺殖民地人民:plunder the people of the colonial countries. 掠夺他国的资源:plunder other countries of their resources; plunder the resources of other countries.一群暴徒砸碎商店橱窗,把陈列品都抢走了。A gang of ruffians broke store windows and looted the displays.
Therefore, it is improper to fight in idle area; it is improper to stay in simple area; it is improper to launch attack in competitive area; it is improper to cut off opponent’s passageway in negotiable area; communication must be paid attention to in intersecting area; forcibly plundering is necessary in serious area; passing through quickly is necessary in obstructed area; it is important to try to free oneself from predicaments; one must fight to remain alive in desperate area.
The ancient people who were skilled in fighting could make the front and the rear of the opponent divorced from each other, could make the numerous and the few unable to support each other; could make the numerous and the few unable to rely on each other; could make officers and soldiers unable to rescue each other; could make the superior and inferior unable to drawn in; could make soldiers separated but unable to gather; could make soldiers unable to deploy combat forces in tidy battle array. In a word, with unity, it is advantageous to move; without unity, it is advantageous to stop.
Venture to ask: “What if the opponents come to fight by means of overwhelming with numerical strength?” I say: “Wipe out their deepest attachment and they will comply.”
1.不及:猝不及防caught off guard.
3.不戒:疏于防范neglect taking precautions. 疏于职守be negligent of one’s duties.
In conflicts, high-speed presides over everything. Let the opponent caught off guard and take the route to the opponent’s surprise and attack where the opponent neglects taking precautions.
1.掠: 此处特指搜集征收粮秣,因此用forage.
2.不可测:高深莫测too deep (or profound) to fathom; to be unfathomable.高深的学识:profound(or deep) knowledge.学问高深的人:a person of profound learning.高深的造诣:high attainment.造诣高深的音乐家:a highly accomplished musician.
Generally, the strategy of adventures in territory of the opponent is as follows. Focusing strength after penetrating, we shall be invincible. Foraging in the abundant countryside, the entire force will have sufficient food. Take good care of the troops’ health and don’t let them tired so that to let their strength of spirit merge and accumulate. While deploying forces, skillfully hatch up a plot in order to make opponent feels that we are too deep to fathom.
1.戒:戒备guard; be on the alert; keep a sharp lookout (for); take a keen lookout (for).戒备森严:Be heavily guarded. 时刻戒备: Be always on the alert; keep a sharp lookout all the time.
2.拘:拘束,束手束脚timid and hesitant.
3.禁祥去疑: 禁止迷信,禁止妖言惑众。禁止:forbid; prohibit; ban.禁止某人做某事:forbid someone to do something; prohibit someone from doing something.注意:forbid比较随便,常用于个人关系之间的禁止;prohibit比较正式,一般用于以法律或命令的禁止;ban指用命令禁止,常用于文学艺术作品的禁止出版或上演。另请注意一些标语警示的灵活用法。禁止拍照。Cameras are forbidden. 禁止停车。Parking forbidden! (No parking!)禁止入内。No admittance.禁止通行。No thoroughfare.
4.至死无所之:至死不败退。败退:retreat in defeat; be defeated and retreat. 节节败退:crumble and retreat in one defeat after another.
Driven into a dilemma whereat there is no way out, soldiers will swear to die rather than to be defeated. If they regard death as if they were returning home, how can they refuse to fight bravely? Located in a dangerous area, soldiers will fear nothing. If there is no way out for them, they will concentrate their attention and will not move. Located in a serious area, they will be timid and hesitant. Only feeling that there is no alternative, can they wage a life-and-death battle. Therefore, this sort of troops can be on the alert voluntarily without being taught and trained, can actively accomplish their tasks without being requested, can have a close relationship with others and unite them without being bound by discipline, can be convinced without being ordered, can refuse superstition and forbid others to spread fallacies to mislead people. If so, they will not retreat in defeat onto death.
Our officers and soldiers do not have superfluous money but it does not mean that they are disgusted with money. They fight to their last breath in battlefields but it does not mean that they do not want to live longer. On the day when orders are issued to fight, those soldiers sat there with tears watering their clothes while other soldiers laid there with tears streaming down their cheeks. Driving them into a desperate situation, they will bravely fight against enemies as Zhuan Zhu and Cao Gui.
2.政之道:治理军队的道理。治理:管理govern, administer; 控制control, bring something under control.治理国家administer a country. 治理河流bring waters under control. 治理军队administer the army. 但治理军队强调控制,因此用army-controlling比较恰当。
Those who are good at executing art of war are like Shuai Ran. Shuai Ran is a sort of snake in Changshan Mountains. Hit in its head, its tail will come. Hit in its tail, its head will come. Hit it mid part, both its head and its tail come. Venture to ask,“Can we deploy forces like Shuai Ran?”I say, “Yes.” Although the people of Wu and Yue hate each other, yet they help each other in distress like left hand and right hand. Therefore, it is not reliable to link battle horses together and bury the wheels of four-horse vehicles so as to indicate the tidiness and stability of their battle array. Only letting all officers and soldiers of the entire force unite as one is the very basic principle of army controlling. All terrains can be utilized no matter they are precipitous or flat. It is the principle to master the features of terrain. Therefore, those who are skilled in executing art of war have the ability to unite the entire force as one. But they have no choice but to do this after all.
1.静以幽:冷静深思be calm and think deeply about something.
2.易其事,革其谋: 易事革谋,事情和谋略经常变动。
3.易其居:换防relieve a garrison, garrison relief.
5.破釜沉舟:可引申翻译成“置之于困境”drive someone into a predicament.困境:difficult position, plight, dilemma, predicament.摆脱困境:extricate oneself from a difficult position (or dilemma).
A commander should always be calm and good at thinking deeply about something so as to focus his attention on the policies of army-controlling. He should hoodwink soldiers lest they should know the major events in the army. Plans should be changed at any time lest anyone should know the truth. Garrison relief should frequently be done and forces should make detours so as to make things unfathomable. When issuing orders to subordinates, he should cut off the route of retreat like taking the ladder away during a height-climbing. When leading the troops to penetrate into the enemy’s area and issuing combat orders, he should direct them to go and come busily just like driving sheep lest they should know where they should go. After gather the entire force together, he should drive them into a dangerous situation. This is the major task of a commander. As for the matters such as the changes of situations, the tactics of defense and offense, the ways of the world, a commander must observe them carefully.
Generally, the strategies for adventures in the enemy’s area is that deep penetrations make troops concentrate their attention while superficial penetrations divert their attention. Those who leave their own country and penetrate into the enemy’s area to fight are in desperate situation. The area accessible from all directions is an intersecting situation. The area whereat deep penetration can be made is a serious situation. The area whereat superficial penetration can be made is a simple situation. The area which rear is precipitous and which front is blocked is a surrounded situation. The area whereat there is no way out is a desperate situation.
1.过则从:陷入困境就言听计从。陷入困境:find oneself in a difficult position.言听计从:take somebody’s advice readily; be always ready to accept somebody’s advice; have complete faith in somebody.
So in idle area, commanders should try to make troops concentrate their attention. In simple area, they should make troops advance quickly. In competitive area, they should urge those who lagged behind to catch up with the people ahead of them. In negotiable area, they should cautiously hold their position. In intersecting area, they should strengthen their association with other countries. In serious area, they should forage so as to secure their provisions. In obstructed area, they should pass through quickly. In surrounded area, they should stop gaps. In desperate area, they should show the determination to die. The mental state of the troops is that they should attempt to resist when besieged; they should wage a life-and-death struggle when there is other choice; they will have complete faith in the commanders when they find them in a dangerous situation.
Therefore, if you do not know the strategic plans of other lords you should not to associate with them; if you are not familiar with the conditions of mountains and forests, dangers and difficulties, mashes and waterways, you should not move your forces; if you do not use local guides, you cannot benefit from the geographic advantages. As far as the above mentioned nine items are concerned, even if there is only one item you do not well know, you cannot be considered as a superior commander. As a superior commander, in attacks on large countries, you should be able to prevent the numbers of their troops from growing. You should force your high prestige on the opponents so that their ally cannot act in concert with them. So, even if you neither want to associate with other lords nor attempt to accumulate power and influence among the lords of the world, you can still uproot their fortifications and ruin their countries so long as you are firmly convince in yourself and impress your military prestige on your opponents.
Grant rewards without regarding principles, and issue orders without regarding politics. Wield the entire force like one person. Wield them to do without telling them why. Wield them to achieve advantages without telling them the disadvantages. Force them to thrust into perilous areas, they will seek to survive. Drive them into desperate areas they will do their upmost to live. Located in dangerous situations, they can turn defeat into victory instead.
So, when executing art of war, the key problem is to pretend to to the opponent’s attempt and then concentrate forces to attack on one point of the opponent. Even if go a thousand miles, the opponent’s commander must be captured. This is called clever plans can accomplish great cause.
So on the day to wage a war, we should close the outside, void the passes and cut off contact with envoys of the opponent. An oath-taking rally should be held in the temple to give a boost to the moral of the entire force. Those at headquarters should carefully discuss the strategies. Once the opponent opens a doorway, we should rapidly penetrate it and try to be the first to wipe out the opponent’s deepest attachments. In conflicts, it is unnecessary to make an appointment with the opponent. It is unnecessary to cling to established practices. Plans should be changed according to the opponent’s situation so as to decide the strategies. Therefore, at the beginning, our force must be quiet as virgins. Once the opponent opens fire, our force must take swift actions as rabbits free from net. Hence the opponent will be caught off guard.
Chapter Twelve: Fiery Attack
3.辎:武器weapon, weaponry (总体而言)。
Sun Tzu said: generally speaking, there are five fiery attacks: the first is fire in forces; the second is fire in provisions; the third is fire in weaponry; the fourth is fire in treasury; the fifth is fire in transport.
In fiery attacks, tinder is needed when kindling and tinder must be well prepared in peacetime. Setting fire needs a regular time; kindling needs a regular day. Regular time means weather is dry. Regular day means the day when moon goes among the following four star-groups, namely, Qi, Bi, Yi and Zhen. And on this day, a wind starts.
In fiery attacks, you should respond to the five changes. When setting fire within the opponent’s camp, you should support with coordinated actions from outside at an early time. If the opponent keeps quiet after the fire start bursting, you should wait without attacking. Whenever the fire comes to an end, you should take actions accordingly, namely, if possible, you can attack, if impossible, you can stop. You can also set fire from outside. It is unnecessary to wait for coordinated actions from within. You can take actions according to opportunities. The fire must be set on the windward side and you can not attack on the opponent from the leeward. If a wind blows for a long time in the day time, it will stop at night. When commanding a battle, commanders must know these five changes about fiery attacks. Once the time is ripe, a fiery attack can be launched.
2.夺:灭掉annihilate, wipe out, exterminate.
So, taking fiery attack as supplementary means, the tactic is wise; taking water attack as supplementary means, the momentum is tremendous. Yet, water attack can only block the opponent but cannot wipe them out.
It is a misfortune that commanders only challenge to win and attack to take yet without thinking about the effects. And this is called “fatigue the people and drain the resources”. Therefore, as far as warfare is concerned, wise lords should cautiously think about it and clever commanders should carefully treat it. If you cannot get advantages, then do not move. If you cannot gain anything, then do not resort to arms. It is not extra-urgent, then do not wage war. The lord should not wage war just because of resentment. The commander should not leave home for the battlefront only because of anger. If it conforms to the benefits of the sate, then move. Otherwise, just stop. Resentment can be turned into joy and anger can be turned into happiness. But if a country perished then it cannot exist again. If a person died then he cannot revive. So a wise lord should always be cautious and a good commander should be vigilant. This is the principle to stabilize a country and save an army.
1.兴师:可作“派兵”解,send an army; dispatch troops. 兴师动众:drag in many people (to do something).兴师问罪:send a punitive expedition. 此外还可以作“征兵”解raise a corps of a hundred thousand.
2.十万:此处指“十万大军”,an army of a hundred thousand strong; a force of a hundred thousand men.
Sun Tzu said: Sending an army of 100 thousand strong and covering a thousand miles for the battlefront, all military expenditure consumes the income of the masses and the property of the public. A thousand pieces of gold will be spent every day. Internal disorder and external turmoil with no stability made people tired out due to busily running about. There are as many as seven hundred thousand families whose members cannot work normally. Having been on garrison duty for several years, the army has fought only for a temporary victory. Those who only pay attention to official position, salary and money and only know enemy situation are mostly lack of benevolence. This sort of person is unworthy to be the commander of the entire force and the assistant of the lord. He cannot decide the victory at all. As for wise lords and clever commanders, once they dispatch an army, triumph will be ensured. Their successes are extraordinary. All these are because of that they are already well acquainted with enemy situation beforehand. When foreseeing enemy situation, foreknowledge cannot be obtained through spirits。 When doing something, astronomical phenomena can not be relied on. When estimating situations, simple computation-checking is unreliable. Everything must be done through men. That is to say, foreseeing enemy situation must be done by men.
There are five kinds of intelligence, namely, local intelligence, inside intelligence, counter intelligence, dead intelligence and living intelligence. If all these five sorts of intelligence can be fully used, the opponent cannot make anything out of us. This is called marvelous foresight. And this is also the magic weapon with which the lord wins victories. By local intelligence, it means taking a countryman as intelligence. By inside intelligence, it means taking an officer of the opponent as intelligence. By counter intelligence, it means taking opponent’s intelligence as intelligence. By dead intelligence, it means producing feign information and spreading it outside and deliberately letting our intelligence in the opponent country know and then telling the information to the opponent’s intelligence. By living intelligence, it means penetrating into the opponent for observation and then coming back to report the enemy’s situation.
Therefore, as for the army’s relations with others, the one with intelligence is the closest. As for reward in the army, the one given to intelligence is the most generous. As for military affairs, the one about intelligence is the most confidential. Those who are not sages and wise men cannot use intelligences; those who have no ideals cannot use intelligence. Those who have no meticulous strategic mentality cannot obtain real information from the intelligence. Wonderful! Wonderful! There is nothing in the word which cannot use intelligence.
1.先闻:先有耳闻。即有人先泄露。泄露let out; reveal; disclose; betray(指无意中泄露). 泄密let out a secret; disclose a secret; give away a secret; divulge a secret; divulge confidential information; divulge classified (美国说法)information.
2.开导:Enlighten; give guidance to; talk (somebody) around. 关于这一点,他的话开导了我。His words have enlightened me on this. 或者 He has straightened me out on this. 他善意地开导调皮学生。He gave friendly guidance to mischievous pupils.
If someone learns secrets before intelligence does anything, both the intelligence and those who are told the secrets will be killed. Generally, if the objective is to attack a corps, if the objective is to attack a fortified area, if the objective is to kill some persons, we should have foreknowledge about the names of commander in charge of defense, supporters, visitors, guards and supporters. And then intelligences should be sent to find out the relative information. As for the intelligences sent by the opponent to gather our military secrets, we should find out and then lure them with advantages, enlighten them and finally let them go back. Thus, the counter intelligences can be used by us. And information can be obtained. And then local intelligences and counter intelligences can be utilized. And information can be obtained. Then dead intelligences can pass the feign information to the opponent. And information can be obtained. Then living intelligence can feedback the information. As far as the above mentioned five sorts of intelligence are concerned, the lord should look into and well master the relative matters. The key problem of mastering these five sorts of intelligences lies in counter intelligence. Therefore, counter intelligence is indispensable and should be fully used. And therefore, counter intelligence must be generously treated.
In ancient times, the rise of the Yin Dynasty should be attributed to Yi Zhi of the Xia Dynasty who acted as an inside intelligence to help Tang; the rise of the Zhou Dynasty should be attributed to Lu Ya of the Yin Dynasty who acted as an inside intelligence to help Wen Wang. Therefore, the brilliant lords and excellent generals who take the wisest men as intelligences will certainly accomplish great causes. This is the essence when waging wars. And when deciding strategies, the entire force does rely on these people for every move.