Star Scopes (9/17/10 - 9/23/10)

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Star Scopes (9/17/10 - 9/23/10)

Author: James Tucker

Aries - March 21-April 19

It's time to honor yourself. Fall, time of harvest will be here soon. Remove any limitations you have placed on yourself and let the rewards flow. You have done so much this year. There is still a ways to go. Continue to listen to your inner guidance, live a balanced life and stay on the edge. Great things are on the way.

Taurus-April 20-May 20

You do your best when you are on a natural high. Let others know how much you appreciate their help. Release any unwanted baggage from the past. Keep a lighter touch. What are your top priorities? You are a winner. Winners take care of the most important things first. Losers dread to do this. You are a winner.

Gemini-May 21-June 21

You have a new direction in life. New and better ideas are beginning to emerge. A good life is lived by those who create and enjoy adventures that make them happy. The journey is more important than the destination. Keep setting goals. They pull you back on track when the world tries to take you astray.

Cancer-June 22-July 22

Your spirit is lighter. Your energy is stronger. You seem happier. Refuse to let anyone pull you down from this beautiful high and freedom. You are a water sign. Water rules the heart and feelings. You have major heart. Follow your heart and you will be guided to even higher accomplishments on the great road of life.

Leo-July 23-Aug. 22

Wrap up loose ends and bring unresolved issues to resolution. Keep a strong focus on the next three months. Begin now to make new plans for next year. Refuse to procrastinate. Do it now. Work on the three most important things on your list everyday. The lesser things can wait. Now success is in your favor.

Virgo-Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Quiet your mind, stay calm, listen to and trust your instincts. When you follow your heart you are close to pure truth. Refuse to listen to the head. Bring up the good stuff, plan your course and take action. Now hang in there and help the new exciting ideas take root, give birth, grow, bear fruit and make you happy. Yeah!

Libra-Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The gift of love is reflected so strongly in your heart and actions. Accept from the core of your being that the universe loves you and is well pleased with your graceful, beautiful spirit. Your passion is highly capable of achieving great results. Stay connected. The richness in your heart will continue to flow for all your days.

Scorpio-Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Get in touch with the most burning desires in your heart. Manifest them in your life. You have a beautiful spirit. Allow it to awaken you to these high aspirations. Focus on the most important things first. Surrender to the higher power and ask the universe to bless you. Now, be patient and let it work for you. It will.

Sagittarius-Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Important decisions are looming in your future. Who am I, where am I going, how am I going to get there and when? We all have to redefine ourselves just like the earth goes the seasons and cycles. You are coming into a new season. It is a good time for you. You are a child of thanksgiving. Let your gratitude flow.

Capricorn-Dec. 22-Jan.19

It's important to stay grounded. You are an earth sign, you know. When you feel scattered or distracted it's time to slow down, take a step back, refocus, be patient and watch for a sign that it is time to move forward again. Work on the top priorities first. You will make it through all challenges just fine.

Aquarius-Jan. 20-Feb. 18

You stand strong in any undertaking. You never give up. You were born with the courage to take action on your convictions and inspirations. You have the capacity to go beyond normal expectations and produce extraordinary results. Mighty forces are with you. Call on them as needed and life will continue to bless you.

Pisces-Feb. 19-March 20

Your natural leadership, humanity, good heart and helpful spirit affect everyone who comes into your life. You are a star. Why? Because you inspire everyone. You are of the light. You make a large, positive impact on all our lives. Maybe this is why spirit saved you for last in the zodiac to insure victory for all at the end. Insure victory for all.

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