新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson23:Sympathy同情
450) this.width=450" onload="javascript:if(this.width>450) this.width=450" />original sound track331. It’s hard to sympathize with someone who is so mean to others. 很难同情那些对别人刻薄的人。332. You have my sympathy. 我很同情你。333. I don’t want your sympathy. 我不需要你的同情。334. He sympathizes with the common people. 他同情平民百姓。335. My uncle is a very sympathetic person. 我叔叔是一个富有同情心的人。336. We sympathize with what you’re going through. 我们对你的遭遇表示同情。337. You don’t need anyone’s sympathy for your mistakes. 你不需要任何人来同情你犯的错误。338. Who couldn’t sympathize with such a sad little child? 谁能不同情这样一个可怜的小孩呢?339. Don’t you have any sympathy for poor people? 你难道对穷人没有同情心吗?340. My sympathies lie with the losing team. 我同情输了的那个队。341. I just wanted to let you know how sorry I was to hear about your father passing away. 我只想让你知道,对你父亲的去世我感到多么的遗憾。342. If there is anything I can do, please don’t hesitate to ask. 如果有什么我能帮得上忙的,请尽管开口,别犹豫。343. I’ll try to make sure I let him know I want him to feel better without making him think I pity him. 我会尽量让他明白我只是希望他感到好些,而不是在同情他。344. I think I will go visit her and see what I can do to help. 我想去探望一下她,看看有什么可以帮上忙的。345. At least, I can send my love and best wishes. 至少我可以表达我的爱与最好的祝福。
450) this.width=450" controls="ControlPanel" loop="false" autostart="false" volume="100" initfn="load-types" mime-types="mime.types" />my reading【生词解读】1. sympathize [5simpEWaIz] vi. 同情;怜悯;吊慰2. sympathetic [7simpE5Wetik] a. 同情的;有同情心的3. hesitate [5heziteit] vi. 踌躇;犹豫4. pity [5piti] v. 怜悯;同情