Lesson 30 - Hatred

新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson30:Hatred憎恨

450) this.width=450" onload="javascript:if(this.width>450) this.width=450" />

original sound track

436. I hate going to work.


437. Hatred often comes from ignorance and fear.


438. It’s wrong to hate people from different cultures.


439. She gave him a hateful look.


440. His voice was full of hate.


441. Hate can feel very powerful.


442. Hatred makes it difficult to forgive.


443. I loathe that man.


444. He despises everything about France.


445. She hates the color yellow.


446. I just don’t feel like running into him.


447. Something about him just rubs me the wrong way.


448. I hate that, because it is very impolite.


449. I just saw someone who I’d rather not be around.


450. I can’t stand him.


450) this.width=450" controls="ControlPanel" loop="false" autostart="false" volume="100" initfn="load-types" mime-types="mime.types" />

my recording on 2/14/2011


1. hatred      [5heitrid]   n. 憎恨,憎恶;敌意

2. ignorance  [5i^nErEns] n. 无知,不学无术;愚昧

3. hateful     [5heitfEl]   a. 可恨的,可憎的,讨厌的

4. hate       [heit]      n. 仇恨,憎恨;厌恶,反感

5. forgive        [fE5^iv]     v. 原谅,宽恕

6. loathe         [lEuT]      v. 厌恶,憎恨

7. despise  [di5spaiz]   v.  轻视,鄙视
