去年秋天买了些漂亮得花花豆角, 韩国店买的,名字不详,请教了一圈, 还是不知是什么,只有我爸说象东北的豆角。买的时候,已经是吃豆子的阶段了,于是留了好些做种子,豆子有 白色带紫红花纹和紫红色带白花纹的。 最近几天这种豆子又上市了,鉴于豆子味道很好,我又买了很多,顺便留种子给明年。
看图, 新鲜豆角,已经到了吃豆子阶段
去年留的种子,今年种了一些,这是嫩的吃豆夹的时候。有一天, 和susuma说起其他豆角的时候,她说她的东北油豆角很嫩,最嫩,我以为是
Roman bean, 结果她说是有花纹的,哎,这不是和咱种的一样嘛,上网google了一把东北油豆角的照片,好象啊,看起来就是一家人嘛。
过的 Roman II差不太多。 提示,Roman系列比那些圆形的豆角都要嫩。
又一天, 在老美店里买豆子时注意到pinto bean, 干豆子,和我留的种子一样啊。 回来google, OK, 又想起了我以前要在网上买的
Borlotti bean种子(也是和我留的种子一样),于是发现如下关系。
Cranberry beans originated in Colombia as the cargamanto. The bean is a medium large tan or hazelnut-colored bean (成熟的干豆子,新鲜的是白色有花纹或红色有些白花纹), splashed with red/black to magenta streaks. A new cranberry bean variety, Crimson, is light tan and speckled maroon and is also resistant to viruses and has a high yield.
Borlotti beans, also known as roman beans or romano beans (not to be confused with Italian flat beans, a green bean also called "romano bean", 我前面说的Roman II就是这一系列的), are a variety of cranberry bean bred in Italy to have a thicker skin. It is very popular in Italian, Portuguese and Turkish cuisine.
fresh cranberry bean=fresh borlotti bean = fresh Roman bean=fresh fagiolo romano=fresh saluggia= salugia bean=fresh crab eye bean=fresh rosecoco bean
Pinto beans look the same as cranberry and borlotti beans, but differ in taste.
怎么也是cranberry bean 或pinto bean的亲戚。 又根据所查, 吃嫩豆夹,似乎borlotti bean最好吃,西方人大多是等豆角长老了吃里面的豆子,
所以有时候也把它称做shelly bean,有的卖种的网站会告诉你嫩豆夹好吃, e.g. "The fleshy pods have excellent flavor and texture when young and can be used as a Romano or snap bean. When allowed to mature fully it is used as a shell or dry bean. Approximately 63 days to maturity."
结论,想尝尝冬北油豆角的同学就不用费劲从国内带种子了,就冲着 fresh cranberry bean or borlotti bean 去就好了,自己买些干豆子或种子,
明年你也能吃到了。 有些卖种子的网站也把这种叫horticultural bean. 至于,pinto bean 是不是嫩的时候好吃,我也不知道,可能明年会试试看,
P.S. Horticultural bean 也有些细微差别的variety, 有兴趣的同学可以瞧瞧这些老美的discussion,我个人觉的只要买到cranberry bean or borlotti