EU foreign goods labels and tags

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EU label on the product and sign the large number of laws and regulations, complicated, dazzling. In this regard, the EU does not have a mark on the product label or the general requirements of the law, and without a guiding legal directory. The face of so many domestic enterprises label and logo requirements, often no way. The author through this article on the EU common market, the label tag to do a comprehensive, clear presentation and analysis to help domestic enterprises in a short time on the provisions of the EU label marks a more comprehensive understanding of product labels to avoid the tag's the problem of loss or delay the timing of entering the EU market. I. Introduction What companies need to consider the product label or tag to enter the EU market, first of all be clear: the EU market, labeling and marking of goods, there are two, one is mandatory, one is voluntary. Some EU law only provides for mandatory signs, and other laws of mandatory and voluntary marks are marks to be explained. In some cases, the EU, Member States may decide a sign is mandatory or voluntary. Also stressed that a number of voluntary trade mark in a number of EU member states which have become the market promotion of propaganda. This article focuses on the EU market of consumer goods (in general, means the public health and environmental protection products) required a mandatory sign, but also a general description of some of the EU common market, voluntary trade mark. To distinguish between domestic enterprises on the EU market of goods mark (mark) and tag (label) of the difference. Tag is that now the corresponding goods or their packaging a sign or graphic. This includes warning signs or risk that products can be recycled graphics. Use the mark (mark) the purpose is to prompt the end user in the consumption or use of goods should pay attention to safety, health or environmental problems. Tag (label) is the form of text or numbers, though requires the use of labels, but the labels need not in all cases must be identified. In general, the label is to provide more detailed information products, such as size, or that the product of a substance may exist, such as textiles or battery may hazardous substances. Second, the application of marks or labels (A) the mandatory marking and labeling ● CE certification marking ● Home Appliances ● ● textile prices ● ● medical equipment, cosmetics ● ● easy to explode the volume of goods ● ● automotive electrical and electronic equipment ● Shipping (B) voluntary marking and labeling ● Eco-labeling (Eco-Label) ● "Green Point" marking ● recycling - separation and recovery ● "Energy Star" label ● "e" mark Third, this paper analyzes the application of the label tag (A) the existing EU member states The end of 2003, the EU 15 member countries: Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, Portugal, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Finland, Italy, Sweden, France, Luxembourg, the United Kingdom. (B) of the European Economic Area (EEA) in other countries Iceland, Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein (C) prepare the EU member states May 2004, the following 10 countries will become new EU members, including: Cyprus, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Malta, Estonia, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Latvia, Slovakia. (D) may become EU member countries Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey and the three countries could become an EU member in 2007. 4, the mandatory marking and labeling (A) CE Marked CE marking is the EU's most well-known, is the most widely used mandatory tag. All EU "new approach" the law of the CE marking requirements are made, CE marking requirements products must meet the basic standards of uniform, mainly on security, human health and environmental requirements of the standard. CE mark for the next major product categories: ● ● personal protection equipment ropeway equipment ● ● Pressure Equipment for civil explosives ● Building Products ● Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment ● ● recreational vessels EMC ● ● refrigerator equipment gas equipment ● ● machine hot water boiler ● elevator (lift) ● Toys ● ● Low-voltage equipment, simple pressure vessels ● medical equipment (3) ● occasions with explosive devices and protective equipment ● manual weighing equipment EU "new approach" directive provides for a unified European standards, manufacturers will meet these standards in products marketed in the EU's basic requirements. But sometimes, certain non-EU standards can also be used to prove that products meet the EU's "new approach" in the directive requirements, the production of specific member business Bixu get regulatory approval, rather than Zijirenwei can meet the requirements Jiu. It should be noted that all of the above products are available through other series of security alerts marked to indicate its own security. About CE marking and EU "new approach" directive, see the specific requirements of the following websites: and (B) Textiles EU textile items can be found in EU Directive 96/74/EC. EU regulation, market access for textiles to be affixed with labels or tags. Textiles sold to consumers to use the name, specifications and conditions of textile fiber on the label must be specified. Member States may request the textile label or tag must specify the national language. EU Directive 94/11/EC on the main part of the footwear label made, require labels to note the surface, where layer and insoles and soles of the material. Tag must be specified in the EU directive above graphic or text form. Tags must be strong, clear and easy to identify. Manufacturer or its designated agent within the EU responsible for ensuring that the content of labels and labeling of fact. EU 94 / / 11/EC Directive must be provided in the content provided, but whether the label footwear raises other information, the EU has not prohibited. (C) cosmetics EU Directive 76/768/EEC on cosmetics made provision. EU requirements, cosmetics packaging or containers must be clearly marked with manufacturer or vendor name, address (or registered office), packaging in the name of the content (weight or volume) to "best used before in the ..." said the shortest shelf life, use of special attention and should be used to identify the product lot number. Product performance and a list of all ingredients must be indicated on the packaging. Member States may request the contents of the label must use their own language. (D) electrical appliances EU Directive 92/75/EEC on electrical appliances and power consumption standards for the labeling regulations made. The directive also provides a series of sub-instructions, labels for each appliance's energy to make a detailed, specific requirements. Instruction related to each type of child household appliances, including refrigerator, condenser and accessories, washing machines, microwave ovens, air conditioning, drying machine and its accessories, dishwasher, water heater, hot water storage equipment, lighting equipment. (E) dangerous goods 1967/548/EEC EU Directive on the classification of dangerous goods, packaging and labeling regulations made. EU dangerous goods under the label must indicate the following: ● the name of dangerous goods; ● source of dangerous goods (manufacturer or distributor of address); ● risk marker and on the use of the product may be warning about the dangers; ● The risk can lead to a clear damage; Label size must be less than A8 size (52? 74mm) dangerous symbol for each area of at least one-tenth of total label. Member States may require labeling to use their own language. If the packaging is too small, labeling can be used other forms. If the non-explosive and non-toxic materials contained in danger so much as dangerous to the user the possibility can be ignored, then the product packaging label may not be affixed dangerous. If dangerous goods can be identified in the following categories: explosive, oxidizing, flammable, hazardous, toxic, corrosive, polluting the environment and so on, must be affixed with the appropriate tag. In addition, the packaging of dangerous goods must be affixed with an upward triangle, to ensure that you can identify that from the appearance of dangerous goods. It should be noted that the EU Directive 1967/548/EEC dangerous goods through a number of changes, so should be read in the practical application of relevant EU documents. (F) the use of explosive devices of the environment EU Directive 94/9/EC of the environment on the explosive device used in the provisions made. In addition to the provisions of this directive must be affixed to the product "CE" mark, the requirements should be affixed with a special explosion protection "Ex" tag. In the "Ex" tag next to the still signed to indicate the product categories under the EU directive. (7) Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE) EU 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment regulations made. The directive covers the following categories of products: ● Large & small household appliances; ● toys and sporting goods; ● consumer equipment; ● medical equipment; ● lighting; ● monitoring equipment; ● IT & telecommunications equipment; ● vending machines; ● electrical and electronic tools; The EU directives for the products must be labeled containers can not give up on life mark. Battery must be affixed to the mark. If the mark can not be specified in the product, you must indicate on the product packaging. (8) count, volume or capacity EU Directive 80/232/EC on the name of the product quantity, volume or capacity to make the required range. EU regulations, some products must be sold in standard quantity. The directive provides the name of the EU to allow the number of packaging size and the spraying of the size range of aerosol containers. Must be noted that the EU regulations specify that all metric labeling applications, but allow use of the end of 2009 marked metric and imperial weights and measures two. (9) Price shown EU Directive 98/6/EC on the sale price of the products to consumers and make the required display. The directive provides for the convenience of consumers compare prices, products sold on the EU market must indicate the sale price and the Unit Price. If the products mentioned in advertising sales price, the price must also be mentioned that Unit. If the product is sold in bulk form, just indicate the measurement unit. Member States may for small retail stores the implementation of the directive to make other alternative provision. (10) Automotive Products EU directives for automotive products see: The EU issued a series of products for the automotive directive to require almost all auto parts are subject to safety certification. "E" mark, add numbers or letters to show that the certification process in which member states. The following is the main EU member countries, the corresponding code. Germany -1, -2, France, Italy, -3, -4 Netherlands, Belgium 6, Spain, -9, -11 United Kingdom, Luxembourg -13, Denmark -18, -21, Portugal, Ireland-IRL, Greece-EL. Certification mark in the next to provide a four-digit "basic approval number", the numbers suggest a product complies with the relevant EU directive number and type of product. (11) automotive lighting equipment EU requirements on lighting see: Including civilian vehicles, low-load production vehicles, light and heavy goods vehicles, trailers, motorcycles, cranes, agricultural and forestry tractors, specialty and off-road vehicles, including vehicles such as the wish to enter the EU market, its headlights, brake lights and turn signals must pass the appropriate tests and received "circle e" mark certification. (12) marine and boat supplies EU Directive 96/98/EC of the European market made marine and boat supplies provided. The EU requires that all marine and boat supplies must be the "ship Wheel" tag that is equivalent to "CE" mark. However, the directive does not apply to 1997 years ago on board the use of products. The directive covers the following sea and ship supplies: ● life-saving equipment; ● marine pollution equipment; ● fire fighting equipment; ● navigation facilities; ● Wireless communication equipment. (13) wooden transport pallet EU to stop the spread pine wood, the European Union issued a resolution No. 2001/219/EC, the provisions from 1 October 2001, all wishing to enter the EU, and from the United States, Canada, Japan and China Natural coniferous wood pallet and accompanying material must be processed and stamped under the provisions of tags. The EU approved treatment measures include: fumigation, chemical, pressure and heat treatment, three kinds of dip. EU and non-coniferous wood of coniferous trees provided a different marks on conifer trees in three different treatment measures also provide for corresponding tag. 5, voluntary labeling and marking (A) "e" mark "E" mark the role of measurement as a "passport" that can facilitate product in the EU free movement within the region. Affix the "e" mark of the goods can guarantee some of the liquid or other EU directives 75/106/EEC and 76/211/EEC provided for both weight and volume of the goods comply with EU requirements. Although the EU did not mandatory to follow these two instructions, but the goods comply with the above instructions to ensure their packaging before to free movement within the EU. Stamped with "e" will also mark the container with the product label, "the name of weight or volume." Packaging company (or importer, if the container is produced outside the EU it) responsible for ensuring that containers meet EU requirements. Packaging company (or importer) has the responsibility to inspect and measure goods inside the container. (B) of the eco-label (Eco label) The EU eco-label on the details see: To European Union and Norway, Liechtenstein and Ireland consumers to identify the official recognition of "green products", the EU created a "eco-labeling" system. The system implemented since 1992, "eco-labeling" prompt consumers, the product complies with EU environmental standards required. These criteria relate to the daily consumer goods and services (not including food, beverages and pharmaceuticals). "Eco-labeling" is a pay-label, specifically, the label includes the following products: household cleaning products, lamps, bedding, personal computers, office paper, notebook computers, cutlery cleaning products, refrigerators, dishwashers, soil modifier, footwear, TV sets, textiles, toilet paper, floor coverings, indoor paints, travel accommodation, clothing, cleaning products, vacuum cleaners and washing machines. It should be noted that some EU member states to use uniform provisions different from the European Union, and their "eco-labels" such as Germany, use the "Blue Angel" logo, the Nordic countries use the "Swan" logo. (C) recycling of waste packaging materials, marking Recycling of waste products on the EU's detailed requirements, see: EU products on the market various types of packaging materials, including cans, glass bottles, aerosol spray containers and plastic containers are often "cycle of arrows" mark, which indicates that the packaging can be recycled. 1, plastic products The EU has developed a set of plastic packaging to help consumers identify types of system, in the "circle arrow" using numbers indicate the type of plastic, and in the "circle arrow" under the state abbreviation of the name of plastic. The full name of the EU code abbreviation in English 1 PET POLYETHYLENE Terepthalate 2 HDPE High Density Polyethylene 3 PVC Poly Viny1 Chloride 4 LDPE Low Density Polyethylene 5 PP Polypropylene 6 PS Polystyrene 2, the battery EU battery on the market are also covered most of the "circle arrow" mark, and indicate the battery type in text to help consumers separation and recovery. According to "The EU Waste Electrical and Electronic products Directive (WEEE)" batteries must be mandatory stamp that can not give up on the family box tems mark. 3, glass In the EU there is no one uniform for glass recycling mark, the EU Member States are encouraged to use their own identification tags of glass can be recycled. (D) "Energy Star" On "Energy Star" For details see "Energy Star" is a voluntary labeling to help consumers to identify on the market can reduce the energy consumption of office equipment such as computers, monitors, printers, fax machines, copiers, scanner and other multifunctional devices proposed. If the product meet or exceed energy efficiency standards, you can add the label affixed. "Energy Star" label began in earnest in the United States. The end of 2000, the European Union and the United States signed the "Energy Star label agreement", the unification of the two signs energy-saving products on the market. The agreement provides for a uniform energy efficiency standards and labeling. The mark has become a means of product promotion. (E) "green dot" On the "green dot" system details, see: "Green points" in the recovery of the system participants and a set of packaging waste classification system. It should be said by the member states of the system is packaged in accordance with their national law from line management, so the EU member states for the actual operation of the system is not uniform. The supreme body of the system is "European packaging recovery organization" responsible for Europe's "green dot" management. Currently, there are around 460 billion in circulation are stamped with the packaging, "green dot" mark. Want "green dot" marked with the corresponding EU unit management agencies.Source:
