Overview International Sale of Goods Act

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International Sale of Goods Act include the establishment of an international sale of goods, the seller and the buyer's obligation to remedy violation of contract of sale, the goods and risk of transfer of ownership and so on. First, the origin of the International Sale of Goods Act 1, the international treaties; 2, international trade practices; 3, the relevant domestic law. 1, the international treaties International treaty law, international sale of goods important sources. The international sale of goods law, international treaties are: the 1980 "United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods," "Limitation Convention on the International Sale of Goods," "International Convention on the Law Applicable to Sale of Goods", 1924 "a number of legal rules on uniform bill of lading Convention "(Hague Rules)," Visby Rules ", 1978" International Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea ", and so on. Among them, the 1980 "United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods" (hereinafter referred to as "the Convention") is by far the international sale of goods in one of the most important international treaties. It is chaired by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law enacted in 1980, held in Vienna, was adopted by the Diplomatic Conference, and in January 1, 1988 came into effect. Closing the first half of 1996, approval and participation in the Convention, a total of 44 countries including: Argentina, Australia, Austria, China, Belarus, Bulgaria, Canada, Cuba, Bosnia - Herzegovina, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia , Egypt, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Guinea, Hungary, Iraq, Italy, Lesotho, Lithuania, Moldova, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria , Uganda, Ukraine, United States, Yugoslavia, Zambia. China is a member of the Convention. China's attitude towards the convention is: basically agree with the contents of the Convention, but within the scope permitted by the Convention, according to China's specific circumstances: raised the following two reservations: ① on the International Sale of Goods reservations must be in writing in accordance with the provisions of the Convention, the international sale of goods need not be made in writing or in writing to prove, in the form of restrictions. This means that, no matter in writing, orally or otherwise, are considered to be effective. This provision with foreign economic contract law involvedSource:http://www.tradenovice.com/2010/04/overview-international-sale-of-goods.html
