South Africa Port Customs Paperwork

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First, import control Under normal circumstances, South Africa imports most of the goods without any restriction, but some imports of goods must be approved by ** approval, or must apply for import permits. Certification unit of the South African Department of Trade and Industry Import and Export Authority. Require the applicant to permit goods include consumer goods (such as food, clothing, textiles, shoes and books), wood, paper, engines, aviation fuel, refined petroleum products and various chemical products. Do not permit the import of goods are raw materials, general industrial supplies, automotive original equipment manufacture new parts, assemblies and materials. General industrial supplies, automotive original equipment manufacture new parts, assemblies and materials. South Africa banned the import of used goods, waste and defective. For import of second hand equipment must apply to the South African Trade and Industry permit. Old clothing can only be as charitable donations given to teaching and other charitable organizations. In addition, the South African businessmen to conduct barter trade with Chinese merchants first need to obtain prior consent of the South African Reserve Bank. Second, import duties Since May 1995 has been South Africa's Customs and Excise launched a eight-year tariff adjustment in an attempt to simplify the tariff system, the selection of trade liberalization and promotion of local industrial development. Under the plan, by 2002, the South African textile and clothing import tariffs from the current 90% to 40% gradually decreased, car import tariffs from 65% to 40% import duty on spare parts from 50% to 30%. South African Customs tariffs are based on product classification and number coordinate system and determine, including 13,000 sub-sections. Imports under the WTO Customs Valuation Method, in accordance with the FOB price of commodity-exporting countries (FBO) calculating the tariffs. South Africa imports most of the tax rate is between 5-25%. Making false declarations, underestimate the value and use of incomplete invoices will be treated as the South African Customs punished behavior. Punishment consequences borne by the importer. Third, import documents South Africa needs to put out * * the following documents to the customs: commercial invoice, bill of lading, insurance, packing list, importers and other documents required. Before the goods to Hong Kong, should be at least 32 copies of formal commercial invoice sent to the consignee in the hands. Indicate the possibility for the export of certain anti-dumping duties for goods, need to provide a certificate of origin. To provide a certificate of origin of products are: stainless steel tableware, kitchen utensils or other household articles and less than 70 mm diameter glass, not painted enamel iron or steel (except stainless steel), car air filter, motorcycle oil filter and auto filter parts, radio receivers and radio telephone equipment. In general, the South African Customs will notify the importer of a specific product need a certificate of origin. It is worth mentioning that the South African Reserve Bank to allow air to South Africa on South African importers of goods shipped but not yet in its clearance be obtained prior to payment of foreign exchange. Conditions is to provide a federation of the South African air cargo operators signed and stamped "FOR EXCHANGE CONTROL PURPOSES ONLY" original seal of the air waybill words. 4, storage and transportation South African law, in addition to Customs and Excise license, the After arrival in South Africa, all goods must be within 7 days of unloading and transport from the wharf. Otherwise, the officers can goods to customs warehouses and in accordance with the rand per week 2 / 100 kg standard charge storage fee. If the goods are unclaimed within 3 months, the Customs the right to public auction. Paid before the imported goods can be stored in bonded warehouses can be saved to use again before the sale and re-export. Needs or special tax levy dumping duty shall be paid into the bonded warehouse of goods. Transport in South Africa, mainland customs processing facilities. Importers apply for entry formalities completed, the procedure can handle inland transportation of imported goods be shipped to the Mainland, the final destination, can be handled directly in the place of discharge, customs clearance, and even go through customs clearance of the site, exporters can choose. 5, temporary import permit (ATA CARNET) ATA CARNET is designed for temporary imports simplify customs procedures designed an international customs documents, customs agreement applies to all parties to ATA. Commercial samples imported for exhibition and display, scientific, professional, and for other goods, customs procedures and remove the general availability of authorized imports, simplified import and export procedures for these items. Each certificate shall be valid for 1 year. Temporary import is mainly applied to the following conditions: 1. In the exhibitions, fairs and other meetings, the items for display or use; 2. For presentation or temporary use of specialized equipment, such as: press equipment, film and photographic equipment, engineering equipment, measuring equipment, geographical, medical and surgical equipment, electrical equipment, archaeological equipment and entertainment equipment; 3. For exhibition or presentation of the other commercial samples. Perishable and consumable temporary import permit does not apply.Source:
