
欢迎朋友们到訪,这铜牛是单纯的信仰者,它包含著 健康 ,自由, 愛 ,美。
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, 以下也是两颗真实的钻石资料的零售价格的比较,  我以A1 ,B1作代号来区别这两颗真实的钻石. 以下的A1钻石的(G.I.A)详细报表(Diamond Grading Report)如下. 原来报表是没有中文的, 铜牛加上中文, 方便网友阅读.

* A Diamond Grading Report documents the specific characteristics of diamond. These reports are issued by the Gemological Institute of America (G.I.A), which is among the most respected organization in the diamond industry.

Certified by GIA (GIA鑑定证明书)

(A1) Diamond Details (A 1钻石的明细表)

1. Stock Number: (货号) _ LD01923207                  9. Depth %: (深度比例) _62.5% (4.00mm)

2. Price: (价格) _________ US$ 21,974                 10. Table %: (桌面比例) _ 56%

3. Bank wire price: (电沤价格) US$ 21,645          11. Polish: (抛光级别) _ Excellent

4. Price per carat: (每卡拉价格US$ 21,974      12. Symmetry: (对称性) _ Excellent   

5. Carat weight: (重量) _ 1.00               13. Girdle: (腰部) _ Medium to medium, Faceted

6. Cut: (切割方法) __ Excellent            14. Culet: (钻尖面) __ None

7. Color: (颜色) _________ D              15. Fluorescence: (莹光反应) __ None

8. Clarity: (净度) ____ IF            16.  Measurements: (测量) ____ --6.39 x 6.42 x 4.00 mm

17. Cut:    Excellent     (Fair / Good / Very Good / Excellent / Signature Ideal)

This diamond is cut to the finest proportions as determined by its face-up appearance, design, and craftsmanship. It reflects nearly all light as fire and brilliance as determined by the GIA. The GIA certificate lists the cut as Excellent.

18. Color:  D (J / I / H / G / F / E / D)

A diamond of this color grade is highly prized, as a diamond with less color has never been found. This grade of diamond is absolutely colorless.

19. Clarity:  IF (SI1 / SI2 / VS1 / VS2 / VVS2 / VVS1 / IF / FL)

This diamond has no internal identifying characteristics, even when viewed under a microscope at extreme magnification. These diamonds are not grade flawless usually because of very slight surface marking or minor details in their polish. Diamonds of this grade of clarity are extremely rare.


*以上是A 1钻石的明细表,  再比对以下B1钻石的明细表,  看看有什么不同,  而影响两颗真实的钻石之间, 每卡拉只是相差US$ 1455.  为什么1.00 Carat1.05 Carat0.05carat,   但价格高出US$ 429.


* A Diamond Grading Report documents the specific characteristics of diamond.  These reports are issued by the American Gem Society Laboratories (AGSL),  is universally and respected by the jewelry as a document of authenticated quality.

Certified by AGSL (AGSL鑑定证明书)

(B1)Diamond Details (B 1钻石的明细表)

1. Stock Number: (货号) _ LD01599238                     9. Depth %: (深度比例) _ 61.7% (4.03mm)

2. Price: (价格) __________US$ 21,545                   10. Table %: (桌面比例) __ 55%

3. Bank wire price: (电沤价格)  US$ 21,222            11. Polish: (抛光级别) ___ Ideal

4. Price per carat: (每卡拉价格) _ US$ 20,519       12. Symmetry: (对称性) _  Ideal 

5. Carat weight: (重量) ___ 1.05                                 13. Girdle: (腰部) __ Medium to Thick

6. Cut: (切割方法) _______Ideal                                14. Culet: (钻尖面) _ None

7. Color: (颜色) ______________ D                           15. Fluorescence: (莹光反应) _ Negligible

8. Clarity: (净度) _____ IF                   16.  Measurements: (测量) ____6.53 x 6.55 x 4.03 mm

17. Cut:    Excellent     (Fair / Good / Very Good / Ideal / Signature Ideal)

This diamond is cut to the finest proportions as determined by its light performance, proportions, and finish characteristics design. This diamond reflects nearly all light as fire and brilliance as determined by the AGSL. The AGSL certificate lists the cut as Ideal.

18. Color:  D (J / I / H / G / F / E / D)

A diamond of this color grade is highly prized, as a diamond with less color has never been found. This grade of diamond is absolutely colorless.

19. Clarity:  IF (SI1 / SI2 / VS1 / VS2 / VVS2 / VVS1 / IF / FL)

This diamond has no internal identifying characteristics, even when viewed under a microscope at extreme magnification. These diamonds are not grade flawless usually because of very slight surface marking or minor details in their polish. Diamonds of this grade of clarity are extremely rare.

以下是分析A 1/ B1 之间的不同之处, 请注意所有红字.

看看明细表中第4. 和第5. __  A 1钻石比B1钻石重量少了0.05carat, 但每carat的售价反而高了US$ 1455


A1钻石比B1钻石小, 但贵了一点是在于不同的 鑑定证明书, A1Certified by GIA (GIA鑑定证明书), B1则是Certified by AGSL (AGSL鑑定证明书).


另外就是A1钻石的Girdle (腰部) Medium, B1钻石的Girdle (腰部) Medium to Thick, 虽然A1是有 Faceted (多了一个小面), B1腰部是Thick()的话,反而是更差的, 因为看起来更多小面, 所以轻微影响到它们之间的售价.

AGSL鑑定证明书的 IDEAL 虽然是等于GIAEXCELLENT,   不过GIA的鑑定证明书更有公信力.

在此顺便一提A1B1钻石的Fluorescence (莹光反应), 相对没有影响售价.

至于Bank wire price (电沤价格) 是什么! 在一般美国的大珠宝公司买钻石(是指1 carat以上的) 如果从自己银行直接电沤给珠宝公司的话, 会有一些折扣.

钻石是高价的商品, 所以每一张GIA的鑑定证明书, 必须要由三个鑑定师的鑑定报告一致通过, 才能真正为一颗钻石发出鑑定证明书, 所有鑑定报告都永远留存在GIA的资料库中, 以便翻查及追究鑑定报告的错误性及鑑定师的责任.




