Ben Gibbard 专辑:12首

Plans (2005)   Genre: Indie rock

  乐队第五张专辑,加入Atlantic Records的第一张专辑,首周便空降全美专辑榜第四名,滚石杂志更盛赞将成为自9O年代Grunge乐风以来最重要的西雅图乐团”,AMG音乐网站也给予四颗星的高评价。

当Ben Gibbard从开场曲《Marching Bands Of Manhattan》唱出“If I could open my arms and span the length of the isle of Manhattan”,相信你会被优美的旋律与词意所感动。听完《Soul Meets Body》,脑中不断盘旋的是那句“A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere”。12首作品满甜蜜与酸苦的情诗在08年被鉴定为铂金唱片,2006年得到格莱美的Best Alternative Music Album 提名。

1.Soul Meets Body   

2.Marching Bands of Manhattan  

3.Crooked Teeth

4.Summer Skin     

5.I Will Follow You into the Dark  

6.Someday You Will Be Loved  

7.Brothers on a Hotel Bed  

8.Your Heart Is an Empty Room  

9. Different Names for the Same Thing  

10.Stable Song  

11.Blacking Out The Friction/Brand New Love  

12.What Sarah Said