So Many English Songs For Children

英文儿歌flash Jack and Jill
英文儿歌flash Jack and Jill歌词:Jack and Jill went up the hil...
- 英文儿歌flash I love the mo
- 英文儿歌flash I love the mountains歌词:Boom de ah da, Boom de...
- 英文儿歌flash Roll that Ba
- 英文儿歌flash Roll that Ball歌词:Roll that Red Ball down to ...
- 英文儿歌flash Three Little
- 英文儿歌flash Three Little Pigs歌词:three little pigs,three l...
- 英文儿歌flash Hickety Picke
- 英文儿歌flash Hickety Pickety My Black Hen歌词:Hickety, picke...
- 英文儿歌flash Ham and Eggs
- 英文儿歌flash Ham and Eggs歌词:Ham and eggs,ham and eggs....
- 英文儿歌flash Body Song
- 英文儿歌flash Body Song歌词: Why can we see with our eyes?...
- 英文儿歌flash All Through t
- 英文儿歌flash All Through the Night歌词:Sleep, my childAnd ...
- 英文儿歌flash Cuckoo Cuckoo
- 英文儿歌flash Cuckoo Cuckoo歌词及翻译:Cuckoo!Cuckoo!Cuck...
- 英文儿歌flash We Wish You M
- 英文儿歌flash We Wish You Merry Christmas歌词:We wish you a m...
- 英文儿歌flash Hush Littleba
- 英文儿歌flash Hush Littlebaby歌词:Hush, little baby, don't sa...
- 英文儿歌flash Moo Moo 点
- 英文儿歌flash Moo Moo歌词:Moo, moo! Look at the big cow. Oi...
- 英文儿歌flash Little cabin
- 英文儿歌flash Little cabin in the wood歌词:Little Cabin In Th...
英文儿歌Billy Boy flash
英文儿歌Billy Boy flash歌词:oh where have you been, billy boy...- 英文儿歌flash my little don
- 英文儿歌flash my little donkey歌词:Donkey,donkey,I beg you ,...
- 英文儿歌Metamorphosis
- 英文动画儿歌:Metamorphosis(蜕变)这是Kid Media Music的作品,...
- 英文儿歌The muffin man
- 英文儿歌
he muffin man(松饼人)这是Kid Media Music的作品,...
- woodpecker knocking
- 英文儿歌:woodpecker knocking(啄木鸟敲门),这是Kid Media M...
- What is This
- What's this? What?What?It's a hat. It's a hat,hat,hat.What's this? ...
- What Are You Wearing
- Sally's wearing a red dress.Red dress, red dress.Autumn Leaves Are ...
- Walking Walking
- Walking WalkingWalking walking,Walking walking,Hop hop hop,...
- Under the Spreading Chestnut Tr
- Under the spreading chestnut tree,There we sit both you and me.Oh,h...
- Trot, Trot, To Boston
- Trot, trot to Boston town.To get a stick of candy.One for you and o...
- Today Is Monday
- Today is MondayMonday -- string beansAll you hungry children, come ...
- Three Little Kittens
- Three little kittens,They lost their mittens,And they began to cry,...
- Three Blind Mice
- Three blind mice, three blind mice.See how they run, see how they run...
- This Old Man
- This old man, he played one,He played knick-knack on my thumb [some v...
- This Little Pig
- This little pig went to market,This little pig stayed home,This...
- This is the Way
- This is the way we wash our clothesm,wash our clothes,wash our clothe...
- The Tikka Billa Jive
- Oh-way-oh,everybody clap to the music.(Dance from side to side in tim...
- The Seasons
- In winter I get up at nightAnd dress by yellow candle-light.In summ...
- The muffin man
- Oh, do you know the muffin man,The muffin man, the muffin man,Oh, d...
- The More We Get Together
- he more we get together,Together,together,The more we get together,...
- The Months
- anuary, February, March,April, May June, July August,September, Oct...
- Ten little Indians
- One little, two little, three little Indians:Four little, five little...
- The Farmer in the Del
- The farmer in the dellThe farmer in the dellHi-ho, the derry-oThe...
- 英文flash儿歌 The Family
- This is mama,kind and dear.This is papa,standing near.This is broth...
- The bear went over the mountain
- The bear went over the mountain,The bear went over the mountain,The...
- teddy bear,teddy bear
- Teddy bear, teddy bear,Turn around.Teddy bear, teddy bear,Touch t...
- Take me out to the ball game
- Take me out to the ball game,Take me out with the crowd.Buy me some...
- Spring Arrival
- All the birds have come again,Hear the happy chorus.Robin bluebird ...
- Skip To My Lou
- ost my partner,what'll i do?lost my partner,what'll i do?lost m...
- Skid-a-marink
- Skid-a-marink a dink a dink, Skid -a-marink a do; I love you ...
- Sing Together
- Sing,sing together,merrily,merrily sing.Sing,sing together,merrily,me...
- Simple Simon
- Simple Simon met a pie man going to the fair.Said Simple Simon to the...
- Silent Night silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright round you Virgin ...
- Shoo Fly Shoo, fly, don't bother me. Shoo, fly, don't bother me. For I belong ...
- We Wish You A Merry Christmas we wish you a merry christmas; we wish you a merry christmas and a hap...
- Row Your Boat Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merri...
- Row,Row,Row your Boat Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, mer...
- Round the Village Go round and round the village, As we have done before. Go in and o...
- Rosy My Posy Rosy, my posy,. You're sleepy and dozy,. Come sit upon Grandmother's k...
- 英文儿歌flash Yankee Doodle Yankee Doodle went to town Riding on a pony He stuck a feather in his...
- Two Little Blackbirds Two little blackbirds sat on a hill, One named Jack and one named Jill...
- Rock-A-Bye baby Rock-a-bye, baby,. On the treetop. When the wind blows,. The cradle ...
- Rise and Shine Rise and shine And give God the glory, glory Rise and shine And give...