The Moon is Fuller in Homeland

You would think that you get more comfortably fit in the life here as you live here longer. Yes for most part, but never for those special days, days like Chinese New Year and Mid-Fall Festival. Here comes again the very Chinese Mid-Fall Fes. Don’t we have everything here? The moon cakes, the very same moon, and even the same celebration Gala from Chinese TV channel. And why is so different after all? The cake doesn’t taste right, the moon doesn’t seem to be full, even though you mind tells you it’s not true, your heart definitely feels the moon is much Fuller in homeland. The emotion only gets worse with time. It makes you wish you’d be better off home now, or wish your beloved home is the place that you can go right now without asking any favour but a fair society and a fair chance, more importantly a place you’ll survive and make contribution before being flooded into the sea of corruption. Regardless what science and common sense tell you, the moon is fuller in Homeland.
