Focaccia is related to pizza, but not considered to be the same.
Focaccia is quite popular in Italy and is usually seasoned with olive oil and sometimes herbs, and may be topped with onion, cheese and meat, or flavored with a number of vegetables. However, by far the most typical focaccia is simply baked dough topped with olive oil and a simple herb like rosemary or sage, and salted with coarse salt. It is very popular as a snack in Italy and school children will often purchase a slice from a baker on the way to school, to enjoy at break time.
In the late 19th century an Italian immigrant to the United Kingdom created a version of foccacia with a unique English twist. The local baker to Kings Clipstone, Nottinghamshire developed his version, known locally as Italian Lard Bread, using that staple ingredient of every Englishman's diet at that time in history, lard.
Homemade Focaccia with olives and herbsFocaccia doughs are similar in style and texture to pizza doughs, consisting of high-gluten flour, oil, water, salt and yeast. It is typically rolled out or pressed by hand into a thick layer of dough and then baked in a stone-bottom or hearth oven. Bakers often puncture the bread with a knife to relieve bubbling on the surface of the bread.
Also common is the practice of dotting the bread. This creates multiple wells in the bread by using a finger or the handle of a utensil to poke the unbaked dough. As a way to preserve moisture in the bread, olive oil is then spread over the dough, by hand or with a pastry brush prior to rising and baking. In the northern part of Italy, lard will sometimes be added to the dough, giving the focaccia a softer, slightly flakier texture. Focaccia recipes are widely available, and with the popularity of bread machines, many cookbooks now provide version of dough recipes that do not require hand kneading.
Focaccia can be used as a side to many meals, as a base for pizza, or as sandwich bread.
摘自allrecipes 网页
A 高筋粉200克,水100-115克(依面粉的吸水性适量增减),盐1/4茶匙,面包机酵母3克(大半茶匙),细砂糖1茶匙,橄榄油6克(1+1/2茶匙)。
B 橄榄油适量(用来刷面包表面)、黑胡椒面少量、干萝勒叶1/4茶匙、干迷迭香1/4茶匙、蒜头4-5粒(不是以组计)。
一、用一碗装温水,加酵母和糖,搅拌均匀,歇3分钟左右,加放盐,搅几下,倒入面包机,再加入面粉,开机搅拌,等到第一次快速揉面Deep Depp声响,倒入橄榄油,再让机包机继续揉面,一直等到结束(包含面包机发酵时间),然后取出面团,搓几下去气泡,再滚圆,盖上薄膜纸,醒10分钟;
五、发酵好后用小剪刀在面团表面有间隔地剪小口,插入蒜片,放入预热好的烤箱,400F15-18分钟左右(要视面团的厚薄和大小来确定温度),烤10分钟左右,转动烤盆180° ,到烤到面包浅黄色时,拿出来,用刷子绕过插着的蒜片刷一层橄榄油,再放入烤箱,烤至金黄色;