第一部分:在婴儿,儿童及少年时期诊断的精神病(Disorders usually first diagnosed in infancy, childhood, or adolescence)
精神发育迟缓(Mental Retardation)
A: 显著的低于平均智力能力: 经测试,IQ约或低于70
Significantly subaverage intellectual functioning: an IQ of approximately 70 or below on an individually administered IQ test (for infants, a clinical judgment of significantly subaverage intellectual functioning).
B: 并且,现阶段的适应能力缺陷或缺损在至少以下两个方面:与人交流,自理,社交,运用公共资源,自我定位,知识学习,工作,享受,维护健康和安全(指不能达到同一年龄,同一文化背景应该达到的标准).
Concurrent deficits or impairments in present adaptive functioning (i.e., the person's effectiveness in meeting the standards expected for his or her age by his or her cultural group) in at least two of the following areas: communication, selfcare, homeliving, social/interpersonal skills, use of community resources, self-direction, functional academic skills, work leisure, health, and safety.
C. 发病年龄在18岁以前.
The onset is before age 18 years.
程度:IQ在50-55 到接近70 为轻度;
Mild mental Retardation;
IQ 在35-40 到 50-55之间,为中度;
Moderate Mental Retardation;
IQ 在百忙之中0-25 到35-40之间,为重度;
Severe Mental Retardation.
IQ低于20或25 为深度.
Profound Mental Retardation.