Theoretically, new blood will be produced within two weeks after donation. So, 56-days (8 weeks) is quite conservative. I only donate one in more than 16 weeks (4months). It's pretty safe.
- "Blood, it's in you to give". I repeat, this TV ad really touches my heart. I started my donation after I first heard it.
Actually, in the city I live, I will have a free wellness check if I donate 4 times a year. I've never got it since I only donate 3 times a year. -- I won't go to 4 times a year. I don't care the free wellness check. I have my annual health check regularly.
I know most of our countrymen don't donate blood at all. From my experience, donating blood regularly does help me discharge aged blood. This is my belief. However, I cannot even convince my wife about this. I always tell her after I have donated.
bzdwxc5555 发表评论于
"Blood, it's in you to give". I like hearing this from TV. I'm chinese, 160 lps. I donate 3 times a year in USA. It's not a big deal, simply stepping out my office and stepping on board a blood collecting van. I need to fill some forms and answer questions online so as to make sure I'm eligible to donate. ... It takes about 30 mints for the whole process.
I get nothing, not even a gift. I don't care.
As a matter of fact, I really think every one should donate your blood, if you are qualified physically.
I used to donate once in China as well.
Tell you a real story. 3 years ago, I had an emergent situation and needed blood. The hospital game two bags (454cc a bag) in one night. ... I donated 3 bags early that year without any reward. I got two bags back to me (not mine, not free) at the end of the year. ... The point is that my life was saved because there were blood AVAILABLE! Since then on, I keep donating blood.
To me, blood is just like your car's engine oil, it needs to be changed. Our body can produce blood if needed. Our blood gets refreshed if the "old" blood is gone. 454cc is not a big deal. I'm almost 50 and in very good healthy status.
Think about this: you may need blood someday in an unexpected way. If you're regular donor like me, you may feel quite relaxed to get it "back".
Help others when you can. You may need help as well.
I don't go church at all. I donate blood just because I feel it's natural to do so. I don't lose anything. Instead, I even feel I get rid of "old" oil in my engine.
夏雨道 发表评论于
因为在曼哈顿上班,所以911袭击后,和同事(台湾来的)也报名献血,450CC.据我观察,当时华人献血者不是很多. 献血中心New York Blood Center会发给捐献者一张卡(Thanks for Being a Blood Doner),上面注明献血者姓名,编号,捐献日期,血型等信息. 献血中心文宣说明, 曾献血者如遇受伤,事故需输血时,有优先权. 正所谓"我助人助"! 曾献血者请不要忘记将卡带在身边,说不定哪天会用上.The card also says: You can donate whole blood every 56 days.