音画制作----Power Of Love

雨滴晶莹 落地无声 清清澈澈 痕消福至
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The whispers in the morning

Of lovers sleeping tight

Are rolling like thunder now

As I look in your eyes

I hold on to your body

And feel each move you make

Your voice is warm and tender

A love that I could not forsake

Cause I am your lady

And you are my man

Whenever you reach for me

Ill do all that I can

Even though there may be times

It seems Im far away

But Never wonder where I am

Cause I am always by your side

Cause I am your lady

And you are my man

Whenever you reach for me

Ill do all that I can

Were heading for something

Somewhere Ive never been

Sometimes I am frightened

But Im ready to learn

(Bout) Of the power of love

The sound of your heart beating

Made it clear

Suddenly the feeling that I cant go on

Is light years away

Cause I am your lady

And you are my man

Whenever you reach for me

Ill do all that I can

Were heading for something

Somewhere Ive never been

Sometimes I am frightened

But Im ready to learn

(Bout) Of the power of love

The Power of love


Celine Dion在美国售出了超过4700万张专辑(根据RIAA机构),以及在欧洲售出4000万张专辑(根据IFPI机构,使其成为欧洲销量最高的女艺人)。在世界范围内卖出1亿8500万张专辑和3500万张单曲,她已成为跻身音乐史上最高销量的女艺人之一。 她是是历史上在奥斯卡典礼表演最多的艺术家,也是唯一一位在同届奥斯卡典礼上演唱两首提名歌曲的艺人。有看过电影“泰坦尼克号” 对她的名字并不陌生,一首“我心永恒”,让她的名字几乎家喻户晓;一首《爱的力量》席卷全球。真情永远能打动人,她恰到好处地综合了几大优势:天赋的好嗓子、宽阔的音域、对不同曲风的包容和借鉴、饱含真情的演绎。席琳的歌声给人最大的震撼就是她的嗓音,她的敬业,她的投入。她的嗓音极具爆发力,高音直冲云霄,低音性感低回。席琳唱每一首歌时,均非常投入,每句歌词都像是发自内心,因此,听她歌,你若了解歌词的意思,会不由自主被她带入歌曲的意境。
