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1.Account Value;(当日收盘后的那个值,不是盘中的)

2.Trading history:(从账户的history的右上角export,然后用Excel打开,copy其中要求的内容,贴在跟帖里即可。须包括:股票名称,买卖时间,股数,交易费用,总金额),即使当日无交易也需贴出:“今日无交易”五个字来。



1. 账户里有reset功能,千万不可以再使用这个功能。为了公平起见,如果你reset了你的账户,我们只能算你自动退出了。

2. 交易报告迟报与不报有区别,迟报不算自动退出,不报除非有特别的理由,并得到gutu的批准,以后连续三天不汇报战绩的选手,以自动退出比赛对待。

aimei080808 发表评论于
OK here we go
This one is the right one
Acc# A0033501
Account Value:$43756.8+ 265.37
No trades
w2mz 发表评论于
accnt: 54633.21
1E+12 8-Oct-10 10:27:46 Trade Bought 1000 FAZ @ $12.75 0 BUY 1000 FAZ 12.75 FAZ 0 7.5 -12757.5 Equity
1E+12 8-Oct-10 10:17:18 Trade Bought 2000 FAZ @ $12.68 0 BUY 2000 FAZ 12.68 FAZ 0 7.5 -25367.5 Equity
1E+12 8-Oct-10 10:15:28 Trade Sold 2000 MBI @ $10.54 0 SELL 2000 MBI 10.54 MBI 0.36 7.5 21072.14 Equity
jenius 发表评论于
no trade today
passers 发表评论于
Account #: A0033563
Account Value: $51758

Account History:
Transaction Type=ALL; Symbol=ALL; Time Range=Oct 08 2010 to Oct 08 2010
TransactionID Date Time Type Description Strike Type Side Quantity Symbol Price per unit Underlier Symbol Fee Commission Amount Security Type
1E+12 8-Oct-10 16:15:39 Trade Sold 1000 QID @ $14.22 0 SELL 1000 QID 14.22 QID 0.25 7.5 14212.25 Equity
1E+12 8-Oct-10 12:06:00 Trade Bought 1000 QID @ $14.31 0 BUY 1000 QID 14.31 QID 0 7.5 -14317.5 Equity
1E+12 8-Oct-10 12:05:23 Trade Sold 200 QLD @ $67.71 0 SELL 200 QLD 67.71 QLD 0.23 7.5 13534.27 Equity
1E+12 8-Oct-10 10:42:12 Trade Bought 200 QLD @ $66.59 0 BUY 200 QLD 66.59 QLD 0 7.5 -13325.5 Equity
1E+12 8-Oct-10 10:41:00 Trade Sold 3000 QID @ $14.55 0 SELL 3000 QID 14.55 QID 0.74 7.5 43641.76 Equity
1E+12 8-Oct-10 10:26:02 Trade Bought 1000 QID @ $14.56 0 BUY 1000 QID 14.56 QID 0 7.5 -14567.5 Equity
1E+12 8-Oct-10 10:19:12 Trade Bought 1500 QID @ $14.50 0 BUY 1500 QID 14.5 QID 0 7.5 -21757.5 Equity
aimei080808 发表评论于
Acc# A0033501
Account Value:$3756.8+ 265.37
No trades
crosfan 发表评论于
Account Number: # A0033515
Account Value: $ 51,865.24

no trade today

hold: GE 1000, CSCO 1000
dqblackhorse 发表评论于
Account # A0033837 Account Value 54347.70

Date Time Description Fee Commission Amount
8-Oct-10 15:41:31 Sold 100 MGM @ $13.68 0.03 7.5 1360.47
8-Oct-10 14:23:58 Sold 50 SNDK @ $39.25 0.04 7.5 1954.96
8-Oct-10 14:25:02 Bought 100 TZA @ $23.88 0 7.5 -2395.5
8-Oct-10 13:39:35 Sold 100 MGM @ $13.47 0.03 7.5 1339.47
8-Oct-10 12:42:24 Bought 100 VXX @ $15.51 0 7.5 -1558.5
8-Oct-10 12:43:38 Bought 10 SQQQ @ $42.32 0 7.5 -430.7
win2win 发表评论于
Live Account Value: 53473.53

Account # A0033573 Account History
Transaction Type=ALL; Symbol=ALL; Time Range=Oct 08 2010 to Oct 08 2010
TransactionID Date Time Type Description Strike Type Side Quantity Symbol Price per unit Underlier Symbol Fee Commission Amount Security Type Expiration Date Security Description Open or Close Deliverables Market Statistics Trade Journal notes
1E+12 8-Oct-10 15:58:34 Trade Bought 1000 SEED @ $8.90 0 BUY 1000 SEED 8.9 SEED 0 7.5 -8907.5 Equity Origin Agritech Ord Shs OPEN
1E+12 8-Oct-10 15:55:33 Trade Sold 1100 FAS @ $22.61 0 SELL 1100 FAS 22.61 FAS 0.43 7.5 24863.07 Equity Direxion Daily Financial Bull 3X ETF CLOSE
da-yan 发表评论于
Account Value: 50,463.34

Trading History:
8-Oct-10 13:47:00 Sold 500 FAZ @$12.70 7.5 6342.39
8-Oct-10 11:02:17 Bought 500 FAZ @$12.59 7.5 -6302.50

(Cash only now)
eyewear 发表评论于
account value:$ 56111

Account #A0033524
Account History, Transaction Type = ALL, Symbol = ALL, Time = Today
Date / Time Type Description Fee Comm Amount
10/08/10 15:43:48 Trade Sold 7900 CAGC @ $12.98 $1.74 $7.50 $102,532.76
10/08/10 14:28:27 Trade Bought 5300 CAGC @ $11.9818 $0.00 $7.50 $-63,511.04
10/08/10 14:15:15 Trade Sold 14500 ENER @ $4.59 $1.13 $7.50 $66,546.37