英语时事翻译 苹果播放器APPLE IPOD NANO

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1. MIDDLE CHILD 该怎么翻才好Apple's iPod nano has always been in an awkward position as the middle child in the iPod family

2. 这里的SLEW是什么意思but the existing slew of shortcuts or apps can be moved around based on your preference.

Apple's iPod nano has always been in an awkward position as the middle child in the iPod family. It's never had the capacity, flair or diminutive size of its brethren but the sixth generation nano is something different. Think of it like the Frankenstein of iPods. (That's a good thing, BTW.)

iPod nano苹果超薄型播放器一直处于IPOD家族中间孩子的尴尬地位. 它远没有同类产品的容量,品味或者超小体积,然而第6NANO产品确实有些不同. 把它想象成IPODS家族自己创造却遭自己毁灭的恶魔吧(顺便说一句,这是好事).

Let's start off with the obvious, the nano is considerably smaller than its predecessor and now rivals the shuffle as the smallest iPod and the touch as one of the coolest and “funnest” iPods ever made. It has the same anodized aluminum frame as the previous generation nano but it now houses a 1.54-inch multi-touch touch-screen (240x240) with an iOS-like interface, a built-in clip and comes in seven different colors. It weighs close to nothing (21g) and is barely noticeable once it's clipped onto your pants, for instance. If it weren't attached to a set of headphones, you'd likely forget that it was even clipped on.

让我们从显而易见处说起,NANO比上一代体积小很多,可以和随意播放机媲美,是IPOD中体积最小的,触屏则被认为是最酷和最好玩的IPOD.  它和从前的NANO产品拥有相同的抛光铝制机身,但却拥有一个1.54英寸的MULTI TOUCH触屏像素分辨率240x240,类似IOS网络操作系统介面,内设夹扣,并且有七种不同色彩.  体重轻到没有21克,如果你夹到裤子上,几乎不会被看到.  如果没有与耳机相连,你可能都会忘记你别上了夹扣.

Everything you knew about the previous generation nano is all but forgotten. No more clickwheel, camera, mic, or speaker. You can check out photos or listen to audio. The latest sports just three hard buttons: volume up, volume down and power/sleep. Simplicity reigns supreme.

所有你所知道的有关上一代的NANO尽管忘掉. 不再有触摸滚轮,照相机,麦克风或者扬声器. 你可以查看照片或者听音频. 最新一代只需动用三个硬按键 : 调高音量,调低音量和关机/待机.  简易占主导地位

Sure, the screen is small but it's not very difficult to navigate and the multi-touch, while limited, works great. You can rotate the screen with two fingers depending on the orientation of the nano or double tap to zoom in on photos. Like all other Apple touch-screen devices, the nano is extremely responsive. As I mentioned before, the UI is reminiscent of any other iOS device but its not actually running iOS, says Apple. You won't be able to add apps or games but the existing slew of shortcuts or apps can be moved around based on your preference. A series of dots at the bottom of the screen indicate how many pages there are and which page you are currently viewing whether you're just navigating the menu system or within an app like Fitness or FM radio. Long pressing from any screen will shoot you back to the homescreen and swiping to the right within certain functions, like the Fitness app will bring you back to the previous screen.

屏幕肯定很小,但浏览并不困难,而且多重触控虽然有些限制但运作良好.  你可以用两个手指通过改变NANO方向或者滚动屏幕双击来放大或缩小照片.  和其它苹果触屏设备一样,NANO应答极其敏感. 正如我上面提到的,苹果公司说UI 用户界面让人联想到其它网络操作系统,但实际上并没有运行IOS. 你不能增加应用程序或者游戏,但您可以按照您的意愿来移动现有的大量快捷方式和应用程序. 屏幕底部的一系列点显示一共有多少页,你目前浏览的页数,或者告诉你正在浏览的菜单系统或者如健身和调频收音机的应用程序.  长时间按屏幕可以让你回到主页屏幕,并且很快移到右边的某些功能,比如健身应用功能可以让你回到先前的屏幕.

Editing existing playlists is possible but you'll have to scroll down within an existing playlist to see the hidden dialog. It doesn't appear as though “On the Go” playlist creation is possible, though. The FM radio feature has been carried over and it still allows you to cache live streams. To access that particular functionality you have to launch the radio, pick your preferred channel and swipe to the next page to pause, play, fast forward or rewind the stream. The Fitness app can be synced with Nike+ and the pedometer keeps track of your steps. You can set daily goals and input your weight, as well. The built-in clock includes a stopwatch and timer and Apple allows you to set the clock as the default screen when you wake up the nano. A voice recorder app is also present on the nano but it won't show up until you plug in a set of headphones that include a mic.

可以编辑现有的播放单,但是需要滚动现有的播放单子来找到隐藏的对话框. 虽然可以产生正在播放的播放单子,但是编辑单子并没有显示出来. 调频收音的性能得到了延续,而且可以把即时串流音频放在高速缓冲存储器中. 要用这个特别功能,你必须打开收音机,调到你喜欢的频道,扫到下一页,暂停,播放,快速前进或者回绕串流. 健身应用可以和NIKE+同步,踏步器可以记录你的步伐. 你可以设计每天的目标,也可以输入你的体重等.  内设钟包括一个跑表,计时器,并且可以让你把钟设为取消待机状态时的默认屏幕. NANO也有声音录制应用,但是必须在插上带有麦克风的耳机后才出现.


While the previous nano tried to do too much, the current generation nano is focused on one thing and one thing only - music. It may have lost a number of features but if you're already deeply engrained in the world of Apple, the nano is a perfect addition to your arsenal of fruit products. And if you're not, it's a simple way to dip your toes into Apple's touch-screen family of devices to test the waters. The 8GB and 16GB models are priced at $149 and $179, respectively, which isn't the cheapest available option to replace should you lose it but its small stature and intuitive UI make it stand out from the rest.

上一代的NANO有很多功能,而目前的这一代NANO则重点在一件而且是唯一一件事情上---音乐. 可能失去了很多性能但如果你已经植深于苹果的世界,NANO对于你的宝库是一个完美的附加品. 如果没有,这是一个简单的,这是一个让你试水苹果触摸屏家族设备的途径. 8GB16GB的型号分别为149美元和179美元,不是目前最便宜的替代品,如果你弄丢了的话,但他的小体积和敏锐的用户界面超出其他产品.

Read more: http://techland.com/2010/09/13/apple-ipod-nano-2010-review-better-than-expected/#ixzz11HtVW3Dl


expressrain 发表评论于
同意丹砂的意见, 这里"Appear"是貌似的意思. 这样翻译, 也许更容易理解一些.

It doesn't appear as though “On the Go” playlist creation is possible, though.
然而, 要"随时随地"地建立播放列表看来似乎并不可能.

· Appear只能作不及物动词用, 后面不能接宾语, 要说貌似什么, 需加"to“. 例如: He appears to be your friend.
· 这里appear的用法类似系动词to be, 后面的as though “On the Go” playlist creation is possible是它的表语. 其实作者想要说的是 --- ”随时随地"地建立播放列表似乎并不可能---, 但他用了一个形式主语 it 来代替as though “On the Go” playlist creation is possible, 而且否定”appear” instead of “possible” , 这样一来, 整个句子就不会显得头重脚轻了.
· "On the Go” 译成”随时随地” 是缘于现在流行的”business or fitness on the go”, 是否准确, 还有待斟酌.
expressrain 发表评论于

1. 既然用了middle child, brethren似可翻成兄弟产品。

2. slew 你翻得很对,在这里就是“大量”的意思。

Let's start off with the obvious, the nano is considerably smaller than its predecessor and now rivals the shuffle as the smallest iPod and the touch as one of the coolest and “funnest” iPods ever made.

****shuffle, touch都是ipod兄弟产品。这里的意思是,nano体积小到与shuffle不相上下;在时髦好玩方面又可与touch媲美。

It weighs close to nothing (21g)


A series of dots at the bottom of the screen indicate how many pages there are and which page you are currently viewing whether you're just navigating the menu system or within an app like Fitness or FM radio.

****这句的翻译好像有点问题。 意思应该是: 不论你是在浏览菜单系统还是处于健身或调频收音机的应用程序中,屏幕底部都会有一系列点显示总页数以及当前的页数。

It doesn't appear as though “On the Go” playlist creation is possible, though.


as though: as if

but its small stature and intuitive UI make it stand out from the rest.

****stand out from the rest可翻成“在同类产品中脱颖而出”
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