Next Thursday will be one of most important Holidays of the year – Thanksgiving as it normally kicks off the holiday season. Up to this point, there are five people who have invited me for their family thanksgiving dinners, plus my best fiends, Nick and Tom, both of them insisted that I should join them for the holiday celebration.
So far, I only turned down Tom's invitation because he invited me to go with him and his “brand new” girl friend to his parents' home in Boston for the holiday weekend. He must be out his mind. There is no way for me to be the third wheel next to a pair of madly loving bird during this period of time. But I do appreciate his sincereness and kindness, though. People may be fooled by Tom's seemingly careless attitude and his potty-mouth, yet he is one of few loyal, caring and trustworthy friends whom I can't live in this city without.
I haven't made my mind yet where and whom to go with. The naked truth is I don't know where would be a proper place this year for me to be. Last year, my previous boss invited us to join his family for the thanksgiving weekend. We were spending great time in his farmhouse tucked in Hudson River bank next to the Bear Mountain. Without her this year, I just don't see I should drive to some place surrounded by all these strangers. Well, If the worst comes worst, I can always watch Macy's Thanksgiving Parade in the morning and have thanksgiving dinner at Nick's home. Kate's baby brother, Stephan and his girl friend will come for thanksgiving holiday from LA. I played sports video games with Stephan many times before at Nick's home, and he is a cool dude. Here is a thing, I am keeping telling myself that any plan would be better than grabbing a girl who knows what and go wasted somewhere and be stupid.
This year people in this city have lot to be thankful. Although technically we are still not completed out of the wood in terms of damages caused by the hocvoc of the recession, the inch-up sentiments of consumption have hinted that economy are stabilizing here and in the nation as well. In fact, this year's profits from the street has been pretty decent, and it might reach 20 bil by some projection. No doubt, that is much less than last year's swaggering and record-breaking of 61 bil. Still, Comparing to over 50 bil of loss a few years back, people in our industry should be grateful. On top of that, the plannings of holiday parties and holiday gifts are slowly swinging back to the trend again after the hiatus. Maybe, people are just tired of the cost-cutting and belt-tightening measures or maybe the worst has become a distant scene from the back-viewing mirror; I think which is which will remain to be seen at this juncture.
The funny thing was that when I went over my budget plan draft with my boss today, he instantly trimmed my projected spendings on employee professional training by half, yet leaving the high numbers of entertaining spending unscratched, go figure! Walking on the Fifth ave. or Madison ave. recently, I can see people are seeming ready to open their wallets again, the normal holiday shopping human tide has started to make some noticeable waves.
True, it is definitely too early to pop the cork of a bottle of champagne to cheer for the reinstatement of the good old day, but personally, I do have persons and things on my lists to be thankful for this year. To begin with, thankful for my father and mother to visit me during the summer months, and we had such great time to travel and hang out together; thankful for my job and promotions that provide me with privileges and financial freedom; thankful for my good health that allows me to take the challenges, enjoying fun and excitements, thankful for the city that facilitates me to meet interesting people and learn new skills in addition to providing first-class entertaining places which never dull me; Thanks for the support from my bosses and my colleagues who have made me a “hero” from none; thankful for my loyal friends who always be there for me when I need them no matter what; Top on my lists, thankful for her tender love that I know I can be a bit better man next time.
Put a “age-old” song by Bon Jovi Thank You For Loving Me to churn up the volume of holiday spirits, I wish life would be that simple. :)
Note: The photo comes from Internet