This evening as I am trying to concentrate on my work, but my mind is defiant on orders, roaming away as if an object under an unfocused lens turns blur. Granted, it is unusual for me to be like that for people don't call me “sharp shooter” for nothing. Since I can't fight and win my mind, so I think that it would be better for me to follow its path and record the “foot-prints” . :((
First, let me bring up the cause: A veteran, talented, and well-respected blogger might call quit after five diligent and high-yielded years in the virtual community/city where so many of us dwell.
When my mind was starting wandering awhile ago, I began to think what would I want to be remembered by my friends after leaving a physical place or a virtual one such as WXC, or by my colleagues after moving up to my next career stage, or by love ones after summoned (hopefully many years from now) by the High Authority ? I don't know about other people's thinking, but if it is up to me, I'd like my legacy left behind filled with compassion asserted throughout my years, impact changed other's lives positively; the wit brought on smiles over others' faces; the voice that can still spark the conversations in other's mind even I am no longer around …
Then, naturally it boils down to the leaving blogger; in my eyes, the reason or reasons for her to decide to stop blogging would not be important or relevant, neither why she made her mind to elect her choice in this case. The angle I'd like to take is that how we'd remember her in case her decision is a permanent one (I sincerely hope her decision will rather be a temporary adjustment). In retrospect, there are plenty reasons for us to miss her. For past five years, her words and comments have well severed us as if they were those candles that were aglow softly next to a window pane, giving away the brightness, warmth and pacification to so many exhausted and burdened travelers in the stormy nights on their long and difficulty journeys. In some degree , her life indeed reduced as the melting candles by doing the services she did for us, yet her contributions and refections as for encouragement and wisdom to so many readers out there should never be allowed to be forgotten.
It is my strong believe, she should be remembered for her pleasant smiles that ignited hopes in many hearts among us, her perseverance to go after her goal even one may argue the total costs might imbalance/negate the benefits somehow; her inspirational writing that made people to think their own lives and drive them to act and response at the time they were lethargic and weary; her working ethics that are being devoted to care those who are sick and suffering; her occasional tears that let us know the world we are living is not perfect and everything we do daily may associate with price tags regardless we like or not; her longing that one day she can put her “crown of Queen of the Night” on the shelve and settle down in a coast town, having a beautiful daughter whom she may dress up with her favorite colors, watching her to play under warm sun rays and salty ocean breeze; her genuine love to her parents whom she constantly draws strength and courage from ...
I can continue going on and on to ramble about what she has done and list all the reasons for her to be remembered pretending I don't know her in light of conflicting interest, but do they really matter in the end ? probably not. The truth is that what a person has done should dictate the final outcomes of remembrance. For her, results have spoken for herself, I assume.
To pay my respect, I'd like to dedicate a paragraph written by one of my favorite American writers, Frederick Buechner, and a song by Linkin Park- Leave Out All The Rest in her name.
“When you remember me, it means that you have carried something of who I am with you, that I have left some mark of who I am on who you are. It means that you can summon me back to your mind even though countless years and miles may stand between us. It means that if we meet again, you will know me. It means that even after I die, you can still see my face and hear my voice and speak to me in your heart.”
I am sure , she will be missed and remembered well by others, too. Certainly, she is not perfect. But again, who is ?
Note: a. The picture comes from Internet,b. in case anyone reads this piece or listen to the song, please don't be sad, Ok ? This is how thing works most time.