这里有人看Dancing with stars吗?我气得要晕过去了。

玩一玩, 乐一乐, 过逍遥人生.
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以Palin女儿的舞技,早在前几个星期就应该被淘汰了。如果说前面的几位难分上下,那么今天Bristol Palin无论如何应该和我们说拜拜了,因为她和其他几位的差距是显而易见的。不知道她妈施了什么魔法,今天走路的竟然是Brandy。太不公平,太不公平,太不公平了。

梦中画 发表评论于
You are right, cheers!
I am very happy for the final result, but still feel it was unfair to Brandy. The fans of Bristol voted for her mom,not for her skill of dancing.
ben007 发表评论于
Told ya. Cheers
ben007 发表评论于
Dear 梦中画
I've been following DWTS for 3 yrs. I'd share the same frustration with you for last night's result. But overall I felt that the best had been the one who laughs at the last for most of the seasons. I hold my trust that Jeniffer/Dereck would be laughing at the end. Just enjoy.