11月份科罗拉多州热闹的吃火锅, 我烤了个戚风蛋糕, 可可粉是女儿帮忙拌的,没有搅匀, 所以卖相不佳。(有点推卸责任了。)
the Original recipe came from Women's day Guilt Free Sweet Treats。
Mocha Hazelnut Chiffon Cake
2 1/4 C Cake Flour
11/4 C Sugar
1Tbs Baking powder
1/2 Tsp Salt
1/2 C Unsweetened cocoa powder
2 Tbs Espresso Powder
1/2 C boiling water
1/4 C cold water
1/3 c Canola oil
5 large egg yolks
10 large egg whites
2 Tbs Hazelnut Liqueur (Frangelico)
1Tsp Vanilla Extract
1Tsp Cream of tartar
Chocolate Galze
4Oz semisweet chocolate , broken up
1/2 C fat free half and half
Garnish: Rosted Chopped Hazelnut
需要10inch tube pan with removable bottom.
1:面粉, 3/4 杯的糖,泡打粉和盐混合在大盆里
2:可可粉和浓咖啡粉用开水泡化,加凉水, 油,蛋黄, 榛子酒和香草精混合后和面粉搅匀。3:蛋白和塔塔粉用mixer 中速搅拌, 慢慢加入1/2 杯的糖,继续搅拌至stiff peaks (就是盆子倒扣都不会掉下来, 这一步要确保盆子干净,鸡蛋是室温,蛋白中没有蛋黄)。
4:将1/3的蛋白取到蛋黄湖里切拌法或者从下往上翻拌,千万不要划圈搅拌,动作要轻要快防止蛋白消泡,最后将蛋糕湖倒入剩余的蛋白湖里拌均匀 (网上抄来的)倒入烤盘中
5:烤1个小时, 牙签插入拔出来没有蛋糊就OK了。
6:烤盘倒扣,完全凉透, 脱模
7:巧克力用微波炉加热一分钟至化,把half and half 搅拌进去,把glaze倒到蛋糕上, 上面洒碎榛子。
这个方子分量比较大, 要有10inches的烤盘才行,面粉太多,第一次做就成功了,聚会时我改了, 用一直都用的樱的8寸盘的方子,但是加了可可粉,咖啡粉和榛子酒。

Mocha Hazelnut Chiffon CakeFrom Woman's Day | October 2, 2007
Active Time: 25 minutesTotal Time: 1 hour 30 minutesRecipe Ingredients
2 1/4 cups cake flour
1 1/4 cups sugar, divided
1 Tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (not Dutch process)
2 Tbsp espresso powder
1/2 cup boiling water
1/4 cup cold water
1/3 cup canola oil
5 large egg yolks
2 Tbsp hazelnut liqueur (Frangelico)
1 tsp vanilla extract
10 large egg whites
1 tsp cream of tartar
Chocolate Glaze
4 oz semisweet chocolate, broken up
1/2 cup fat-free half-and-half
Garnish: toasted chopped hazelnuts
Recipe Preparation
1. Heat oven to 325°F. Place oven rack at position just below center. You'll need a 10-in. tube pan with removable bottom. Whisk flour, 3/4 cup sugar, baking powder and salt in a large bowl.
2. Stir cocoa and espresso with boiling water in a medium bowl until dissolved; add cold water, oil, yolks, liqueur and vanilla. Stir cocoa mixture into flour mixture until blended.
3. Beat whites and cream of tartar in a large bowl with mixer on medium-high speed until soft peaks form when beaters are lifted. Gradually beat in remaining 1/2 cup sugar. Beat until glossy and stiff peaks form.
4. Stir 1/4 of beaten whites into cocoa-flour batter to lighten. Gently fold batter into rest of whites until no white streaks remain. Pour into ungreased pan.
5. Bake 1 hour or until wooden skewer inserted into center comes out clean. Invert pan onto neck of a tall, narrow bottle, such as a wine bottle; cool completely. Run a thin knife around sides of cake; remove pan sides. Repeat with bottom of cake. Invert onto cake plate. Remove pan.
6. Glaze: Melt chocolate in microwave on high about 1 minute, stirring every 15 seconds. Whisk in half-and-half. Pour glaze over cake, spreading top with spatula. Sprinkle with hazelnuts.