总统发来的依美儿: 明天请投票给民主党

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民主党当政一般是big government, higher tax. 但对教育和科研投入也高. 如果你在大学或者科研机构工作, 请投民主党. 一般情况下, 十五万收入以下的家庭税率不会改变太多. 家里如有老人的话, 政府补助也较好.下面是President Obama 发来的依美儿:

Tomorrow, you can help determine not just the outcome of this election, but our country's future.

You made the difference in 2008. Now, once again, you can defy theconventional wisdom that says you can't overcome the cynicism of ourpolitics; you can't overcome the special interests and the big money;you can't tackle our biggest challenges.

This movement has never backed down from a tough fight -- and we're not about to start.

xyz (I deleted may name here), we've got to keep moving America forward -- but I need allies in the House to make it happen.

I need you to make sure you get at least three of your friends to votewith you -- it is simply the most important thing you can do to makesure we can keep bringing about change.

Find your polling place and the time polls are open here.

According to OFA's records, you live in Massachusetts's 6th Congressional District. Please vote for John Tierney for Congress.

If you have already voted, please click here to help in these final hours of our Vote 2010 campaign.

When we arrived in Washington, we knew the road ahead would be difficult.

Our country was facing the worst economic downturn since the GreatDepression -- with 8 million jobs gone -- because of nearly a decade ofpolicies that put corporations and special interests before ordinaryAmericans.

Two short years later -- together -- we have begun to rebuild our economy on the values of hard work and responsibility.

Private employers and small businesses have created jobs nine months ina row. And 3 million Americans would not be working today if not forthe investments that you, and our Democratic allies in Congress, helpedput in place.

Because of you, there are families all across the country who willnever have to choose between losing their home and treating an illness.Because of you, millions of parents can look at their kids and know theopportunity of a college education is within reach. Because of you, abusiness owner got a small business loan and is keeping her doors open.And because of you, thousands of our brave men and women are home fromfighting in Iraq.

I know that even with these changes -- and the progress you've foughtfor -- too many families are still struggling. We have so much more todo.

And that's exactly why America cannot afford to go back.

We must continue to move forward, and the decisions voters make in yourarea will determine which direction this country takes for generations.

We want to keep taxes low for the middle class, so you can pay your bills.

We want to give tax breaks to American companies who create jobs andspur innovation right here in America, not make it easier for them toship jobs overseas.

We will fight efforts to privatize Social Security, and stop the otherside from handing over the retirement savings of a generation to WallStreet.

We refuse to go back to the days when big oil and insurance companieswrote their own rules and ran up record profits, while you paid for itat the pump or faced bankruptcy as health bills piled up.

The other side has different ideas.

Washington Republicans have tried to block our progress at every turn.And worse, they're campaigning on taking us back to the exact sameagenda that brought us to the brink of disaster: Cut taxes for thewealthy at the expense of the middle class while ballooning thedeficit. Give free rein to Wall Street speculators. Lower the minimumwage for millions of hard-working families. Privatize Social Security.And allow insurance companies to deny children health coverage based onpre-existing conditions.

The problem is we know what this looks like -- and we know it doesn't work.

We cannot relive that past.

Don't let them tell you that change isn't possible. Because here's what I know: Nothing in America has ever been easy.

The only reason we're here is because, in past generations, Americanscame together, even in the face of impossible odds. That's how we gotthrough war. That's how we got through depression. That's why we havecivil rights, and women's rights, and workers' rights.

We've asked you to do so much since we started this journey together, and you've always come through.

And now, I'm asking you to come together once more to cast your vote for Democrats tomorrow.

With your vote -- and the votes of at least three of your friends --we'll continue to grow this economy and restore the middle class to itsrightful place, and the American Dream will be alive and well onceagain.

Find your polling place and time here:


Thank you for all you do,

President Barack Obama

P.S. -- There are vital get-out-the-vote events happening across thecountry today and tomorrow. If you aren't already signed up to help,please find and RSVP for a GOTV event near you.

Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of theDemocratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE,Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by anycandidate or candidate's committee.
