[The Social Network] David Fincher 导演的新电影, 在他的诸多作品中映像最深的觉得最好的要属“The Game”(1997)
“The Social Network”是由传记文学 -The Accidental Billionaires -改编,讲的是 Internet social network facebook创始人的故事。 Mark Zuckerberg,犹太人,卷发,其貌不扬,也不善言辞,但是极其聪明。(不善言辞的人混进哈佛一定是极其聪明的)。出于小小的执着与快感,或者也许是报复,他偷来哈佛大学所有女生的资料,建了一个让男生逐一点评和打分的网站,两小时内收获疯狂点击22000次,1小时内编程出来的网站在两小时因为流量过大把哈佛的网络系统瘫痪。 后来俩兄弟来找他建一个network 网站. 再后来他自己建了一个成为今天的Facebook。 The Facebook,就像真实生活一样,你和朋友圈的人聊天,只有朋友圈的人知道你的详细的真实的信息。
上周我去孩子学校网络安全讲座。演讲人开始的一句话提醒了我。 他说,网络世界已经进入了新一代。我们这代人把网络看成一个虚拟世界,我们生活在两个世界。 而新一代把网络变成真实世界的一个生活空间,一个等同于家庭,学校,社会的空间。我回来后,到网上找到女儿。她正在和同学们安排halleweed party. 的确如此,那里每一个人,每一张照片我都认识。
If nothing else, The Social Network is about what it means to be a pioneer. As any good historian will tell you, pioneers – people who do something so new and groundbreaking that it irrevocably changes the world – are always more complicated than we think they are. – By Gabe Stin - The QUAD
The result is a movie that is absolutely emblematic of its time and place. “The Social Network” is shrewdly perceptive about such things as class, manners, ethics, and the emptying out of self that accompanies a genius’s absorption in his work. It has the hard-charging excitement of a very recent revolution, the surge and sweep of big money moving fast and chewing people up in its wake. – By David Denby - TheNewYorker
Directed by: David Fincher
Starring: Jesse Eisenberg, Justin Timberlake, Brenda
Release Date: October 15, 2010