然而我们人类的精英们,却尚武战争以及它所谓的胜利: --- 英国的卡梅伦去北大演讲要坚持它的原则,坚决不能不戴纪念人类战争的罂粟花; --- 奥巴马在韩国龙山基地演讲,坚持认为朝鲜战争不是“为打成平手的死亡(Die for a tie)”,“朝鲜战争绝对不是没有胜负的战争,我们当时取得了胜利,现在仍然还是胜利者。”看来美国人赶走了一个共和的屠夫刽子手,又“换(CHANGE)”来了一个民主的穷兵黩武者! --- 《大决战》、《淮海战役》,都在继续描写着三大战役的合理与正义,背景却是血腥、残酷和几百万同胞的血染山河.......
4)太缺乏常识这句是对“It is a shame for Beijing University to allow him to celebrate The War in that symbolic way"而言的(如果你再回去看看我的留言,是在引用了这段评论后)。我看过楼主几篇文章,知道你对加拿大的政治感兴趣,也知道你肯定听说过那首诗,只是我们的解读不同。但我敢说很多对这段历史不太了解或不想了解的愤-青或愤中年是不知道的,所以要拿出来引用。
Ignorance might be a better choice of word. It is considered rude to ask others to admit mistake in Chinese culture.
Some would rather die than admit since it involves pride (死不认错). Traditionally people would patch up prior ones with new ones at the expense of much bigger effort and energy (千方百计)starting from the very top.
So let's not to make it complicated. After all who are we to judge others?
HCC 发表评论于
>>>你说,到底谁Shame ?
That would definitely be you. Why don't you just admit you made a mistake? Was that so hard to do?
"In Flanders Fields" was written almost 100 years ago. It should not be judged literally. The wearing of the poppy is not to glorify the war. On the contrary, it serves to remind people of the cruelty of the war.
杨子 发表评论于
HCC and 紫萸香慢 said what you wanted to say. 那就请你翻译一下原文的最后一段:
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
mayl 发表评论于
If you insist on calling other people dogs, then surely you don't mind me calling you "zWiserman Pig".
前两年文学城的校友林贝卡有关的文章,我还是花费了半天才稍微晕知了点。不过“Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw The torch”老让觉得还是要人们“继续战斗”当然是“继续牺牲”.... 怎么也不能让我去理解出后人的那衍生出的美丽忠告....
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
The flowers that Mr. Cameron was wearing had no relation with the opium war whatsoever, nor was he wearing them to celebrate the war --it is for the rememberance of the veterans. In fact, it is commonly used in Canada as well.
This article only shows the author lacks understanding of basic history and British/Canadian custom. Again, I would urge the author to avoid making comments on persons and things that he does not understand.
alexren 发表评论于
It is a shame for Beijing University to allow him to celebrate The War in that symbolic way. China is going to be another Mexican pretty soon because we have University like Beijing University now.