

节目叫做"The Winged Migration",是个记录片,讲述候鸟迁徙的历程,鸟有双翼,所以说winged。片子是法国人拍的,里面的插曲却是英文。曲调深沉婉转,我依稀听懂了几句歌词,当时手提电脑就在眼前,顺手查了一下,原来那首歌就叫做"To be by your side"---电视屏幕上候鸟们飞越关山万重,耳边回响着这样的曲调。


Across the oceans Across the seas, Over forests of blackened trees.

Through valleys so still we dare not breathe, To be by your side.

Over the shifting desert plains, Across mountains all in flames.

Through howling winds and driving rains, To be by your side.

Every mile and every year for every one a little tear.

I cannot explain this, Dear, I will not even try.

Into the night as the stars collide,

Across the borders that divide forests of stone standing petrified,

To be by your side.

Every mile and every year, For every one a single tear.

I cannot explain this, Dear, I will not even try.

For I know one thing, Love comes on a wing.

For tonight I will be by your side. But tomorrow I will fly.

From the deepest ocean To the highest peak,

Through the frontiers of your sleep.

Into the valley where we dare not speak, To be by your side.

Across the endless wilderness where all the beasts bow down their heads.

Darling I will never rest till I am by your side.

Every mile and every year, Time and Distance disappear I cannot explain this.

Dear No, I will not even try.

For I know one thing, Love comes on a wing and tonight I will be by your side.

But tomorrow I will fly away, Love rises with the day and tonight I may be by your side.

But tomorrow I will fly, Tomorrow I will fly, Tomorrow I will fly.






渺万里层云,千山暮雪,“Into the night as the stars collide, Across the borders that divide forests of stone standing petrified”,不问理由,无怨无悔,“I cannot explain this, Dear, I will not even try!”能够始终如一的爱,始终如一的信仰是多么好!


妻一直在房间的另一边陪着儿子玩,我打电话捐钱,她转过头来看着我微微一笑,我知道她的意思,是笑话我这么冲动。节目播完了,我在网上找到了这首歌的视频,正好是"The Winged Migration"的背景,我叫妻子过来听,她过来坐在我身边,陪着我听,听到中间,我问,怎么样?

