回复:彬彬有礼宾客来 bin vs. bing

talk about health

彬彬有礼宾客来   guest sometimes bothers
濒临破产鬓毛疏   avoid destitution
海滨殡葬彩缤纷   variegated is not necessary
繁文缛节宜摈除   get rid of superfluous ceremony

杨枝水洒并蒂莲   marriage is good
禀赋精心以培育   predisposition...
冰肌玉骨自清凉   as calm as ice
秉赋柔脆宝玉素   a gentle disposition
屏息致病刀兵入   with bated breath is like being cut
彪炳千古饼柄无   don't give haft to devil
