【明报专讯】今晚(10日)颁奖礼的音乐安排别具意思,典礼一开始由女高音演唱的《Solveig's song》即可堪玩味。歌曲是挪威文化瑰宝,挪威作曲家格里格(Edvard Grieg)1875年应剧作家易卜生(Henrik Ibsen)之邀,为剧作《皮尔金特》(Peer Gynt)创作组曲,《Solveig's song》是其中插曲,由易卜生填词。歌词节录如下﹕
The winter may pass and the spring disappear
The spring disappear
The summer too will vanish and then the year
And then the year
But this I know for certain: you'll come back again
You'll come back again
And even as I promised you'll find me waiting then
You'll find me waiting then
God help you when wand'ring your way all alone, your way all alone.
God grant to you his strength as you'll kneel at his throne, as you'll kneel at his throne.
刘晓波爱童声 儿童合唱团献艺
朗读刘晓波著作的莉芙乌曼(Liv Ullmann)亦大有来头,她是挪威演员兼导演,是瑞典电影大师英玛褒曼的爱将及灵感女神,演过褒曼多部经典电影。她也是人权活跃人士,是联合国儿童基金会亲善大使。