天真是 Elizabeth Edward 在 2006 年得知丑闻后,天真地欺骗自己那只是一夜情,到 2008 年仍天真地不相信私生子的存在,等到 2009 年 DNA 结果才彻底打破她的天真。
天真是一种傻,傻得可爱,但不要 “ 很傻很天真 ”。
wxcqq 发表评论于
None of American women are naïve, especially like her Elizabeth Edwards who was educated, worldly traveled and experienced….
路人甲乙丙丁的博克 发表评论于
回复BJGirl,pmcszhx 的评论:
thank you for the comments and the recommendation of the books.
pmcszhx 发表评论于
She is not naive and is not what you think. She just wanted to live in white house and really believed that Edward can be the next president. She is more like Clinton's wife, wanted the power and ignored anything else, like marrage and even her health. Please read "Politician" written by Andrew Young who was Edward's friend.
Well said! You must have a big heart!
She is not a fool, she just chose to do no harm to anyone and ended up hurting herself. It is a choice coming from a strong and big heart. Pity her is to insult her.