Nutritional know-how


-        Vary your meals: good nutrition is a matter of balance.

-        Eat natural foods: generally speaking, the further one gets away from the natural state of food, the less nutritional value is left in the food.

-        Acquiring the habit of reading the labels

-        Using whole grains: make sure to use unbleached flour to avoid the extra chemicals used for bleaching. And “wheat flour” refers to white flour. It must say “whole wheat” or “whole grain”

-        Use nuts and seeds

-        Eat less meat

-        What to avoid:

Chemical additives.

Sugar. (one of the chief offenders in confusing our appetites) corn syrup, corn sweeteners, fructose果糖, sucrose蔗糖, and dextrose葡萄糖 are other names for sugar.


Highly processed cereals and grains.
