Boy Talk

By Mary Polce-Lynch


Identifying and expressing emotions can be learned at any age.

0-    3

-        Trust your intuition instead of the Pack Rules


-        Mirroring refers to the process of reflecting a person’s thoughts, feelings and behaviors back to that person.

It can be done with or without words. When a baby is elated and smiles and you smiles back with equal elation, this is mirroring.

-        Naming emotions.



“The world is my oyster.”

They survived their toddler years unscathed; they have newly discovered independence (foraying into preschool and play without parents nearby)

-        Practice naming and expressing their emotions regardless of the boys’ temperaments.



“blend feelings”

-        Processing with distance

This refers to the technique of using a third person to help explore boys’ feelings or reactions. For example , by asking how so-and-so might feel if such-and-such happened.

It teaches the name of feelings, the anticipation of emotions, how to analyze complex emotions and how to empathize with others. It also creates safety by putting some distance between the boy and their own emotions.



“Disappearing emotions”

sexuality as a dominant social force

interpersonal relations and communication

family VS peers
