Tips to help kids to learn to read

For Young Kids

Look at the book together. Encourage your child to read the title and make a prediction about the story.

     -        Read the book together. Encourage your child to sound out words. When he struggles, you can help by providing the word.

     -        Encourage your child to retell the story. This is a great way to check for comprehension.

Reading Aloud with Your Child

Research shows that reading aloud is the single most valuable support parents can provide in helping children learn to read.

- The more enthusiasm you display, the more your child will enjoy the book.

- Run your finger underneath the words

- Leave time for examining the illustrations more closely; encourge to find things in the pictures.

- Link up in real life

- if your child asks a question, stop and answer it! The book can be a means to learning more about your child's thought.

Listening to Your Child Read Aloud(理解阶段)

不要求sound out


-Above all else, enjoy your child's growing command of print and make sure you give lots of praise.
