(The truth is, I only know this piece because it's a beautiful melody. And, actually, I played many times as encore before because it's, artistically, it's a beautiful piece. I never thought about, you know, and I never knew about anything about, you know, the background.
And when I grew up, I only hear this as a beautiful melody. That's it.)
既然对一首曲子从来不知其背景,只凭其漂亮的曲调,何以“诉说中国的强大”,又何以每次演奏的时候“都非常动感情,就感到深深的荣幸和自豪 ”?那“彩云追月”、“步步高”、 “茉莉花”岂不叫朗朗荣幸和自豪得昏倒在钢琴旁了?
No American, including Obama, gives a damn what Lang Lang played at the State dinner party. But in China, Lang Lang's "patriotic act" pumped up the adrenalin for those pro-government netizens. One wrote "it's like Lang Lang had slapped the American President on the face in front of the whole world."
Obviously, Obama didn’t feel the pain after being "slapped", Lang Lang's "patriotic act" was nothing more than, eh, masturbation!