1. Our hotel room in Hong Kong.

2. Our hotel room in Hong Kong.

3. Lady's market.

4. I love to go to the market where locals shop for grocery.



7. Toad, anyone? I have no clue what do you do with them.



10. Not sure what they are for.


12. Bird market.

13. Bird market.

14. Fish market.

15. Every morning, we went to this congee shop 5 minutes from our hotel to eat breakfast. They offered two dozen kinds of congee. This is our favorite: tom yum congee (冬阴粥).

16. Seafood congee, also very good.

17. If there is anything I miss the most about Hong Kong, it is their roast meat shops. They are everywhere, and they are so good!!!


19. Eating roast suckling pig on our way to the airport. I wish I could take it home with me.

(To be continued)