最近上班焦得里外全糊,完全没时间去买礼物;Eve又去滑了一天雪,到家时手脚僵硬浑身酸痛基本上是go straight to bed。不过想想这Santa有没有光临是对一年是否naughty 的一个总评,怎么着也得敷衍两下,于是翻身下床,在某人送的香水礼盒里找到一个金色的小包包,想着可以指金为蓝,硬说这是little wallet即可。想想又塞了一张票子进去,再上床时,不禁再次赞叹自己实为天下一等一之良母也。
啊?你不是得到了little wallet吗, even has money in it?
不~~是~~~ it wasn’t from my wish list!
。。。。我也没得到我wish list上的东西,,,,让我们抱头痛哭吧,,,,
他狐疑地盯着俺:You had a wish list? Can I see?
。。。。 。。。。
于是按下不提。以为就此糊弄了事,结果前两天检查他的Journey book发现此事居然还是在他的幼小心灵上留下了痕迹:
I was feeling as if I were a frog eating 9,999,999 flies, one at a time. I thought that there was a X-mas present under the X-mas tree.
I only thought.
There was no present! By this surprise I got REALL mad, so mad it made me forget the Y in the really in this sentence.
But… wait a minute! I’ve got a gold bag! Open it… Hmmm…mmm! Money! I got $5!
The end.
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