my 2011 plan

为人妻为人母, 一双可爱儿女. 心从此是分成三份, 不再属于自己. 开博只是为了一个自己的空间, 记录自己的喜怒哀乐和心灵成长.
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As a mother of two young children and working full time, I always find time is a scarce commodity and struggle with work life balance. It is the time of the year we all set out our new year’s plans and resolutions. Here come mine.

My values:

Being healthy

Continuous learning

Family relationship



My goals:

Physical: Practice Yoga at least 15 minutes a day whenever possible. 30 sit ups every night.


1) at least 30 minutes quality time with the kids ( reading, art/crafting, playing) every day.

2) Increase communication with hubby, reduce conflicts and be caring


1) Borrowing Award Winning books from library, one at a time and complete the reading within the longest allowable time ( 3 weeks or 6 weeks)

2) Bible reading/church gathering


1) One movie per week

2) Reduce time on online forum, but spend time on knowledge/skill expansion ( home decoration, cooking, healthy lifestyle, parenting etc.)


1) CPSM exam

2) PMP

3) It is okay not being a star performer in the team!
