YU: (smile) 秀莲:(笑)
/> LONG: My favoriate legend is here. How nice! 娇龙:俞姐姐,你想死我了。 YU: You miss me then. 秀莲:想我干嘛? LONG: I'm bored without company. 娇龙:没事儿干呗!
YU: Excellent. 秀莲:练字啊?
LONG: I'll write your name. I like that. 娇龙:我写俞姐姐的名字,练着玩儿。
YU: I never noticed how much my name looks like the word for sword. You are definitely talented. Calligraphy demands the same control as fencing. It all lies in the wrist. 秀莲:这俞写起来真象剑!我看你转手腕,书法剑法,道理好象是相通的。
LONG: I wouldn't know. Maybe it does. 娇龙:大概是吧,我不知道。
LONG: Let's sit. 娇龙:请!
YU: Thank you for receiving me. I am told you are nearing your wedding day. I imagine you are spending a lot of time getting ready. 秀莲:谢谢你抽空见我!听说你大喜的日子快到了,想必正在为这件事情忙着吧。
LONG: I'm hardly lifting a finger at all. I'm not even thinking about it. My parents are arranging everything. We became appointed with Lu Yunpei when we first got here. My mother says that the Lu clan is very powerful and highly ranked. And my marrying one of them will help father's career a great deal. 娇龙:才不呢,能不想它最好。我什么也不愿意管,反正婚事由我爹娘决定。他们一到京城,就替我定下这门亲事。娘说鲁老太爷是朝内的大官儿,又是三代翰林,如果能跟鲁家联姻,对爹在北京大有好处。
YU: Entering such a noble house, I should think, is a great honor. 秀莲:能跟这样的名门望族结亲,这是福气。
LONG: Yes, but ... I wish that I were like the exciting heros in the stories I read, characters like Li Mubai and yourself. I suppose I'm happy to be marrying. But when the choice is yours to choose a certain life, when you are free to choose whom to love and how to love him, that's real happiness. 娇龙:是吗?我倒是喜欢象那些侠义小说里的英雄儿女,就好象你和李慕白一样。结婚固然是喜事,要是能够自由自在地生活,选择自己心爱的人,用自己的方式去爱他,那才算得上是真正的幸福。
YU: (You) think so? I should tell you a story. 秀莲:那我给你讲个故事。
LONG: Is Li Mubai in it? 娇龙:是你和李慕白的事儿?
YU: And me, yes. I was also once engaged to be married. 秀莲:是吧。我小时候家里也给定过亲。
LONG: You were? 娇龙:是吗?
YU: His name was Meng Si Zhao. He and Li Mu Bai were bound by oath. And one winter day, they ran into a trap. Meng rescued Li Mu Bai. And in doing so, he was killed. And so I became very close to Mu Bai. And as we shared adventures, our feelings grew stronger. But after Meng's sacrifice, how could we dishonor his memory? So you see, I would like your freedom as well, and yet I have never been allowed it. 秀莲:他的名字叫孟思昭,他跟李慕白也是拜把的兄弟。有一回,在一场打斗里,孟思昭为了救李慕白,死在对手的刀下。这之后,我们虽然又共同经历了许多事,感情也日渐深厚,可是我们都坚持要对得起思昭和那一纸婚约。你说的自由自在,我也渴望,但我从来没有尝过。
LONG: But don't blame yourselves for it. The way that Meng died is horrible. That's how things happen. 娇龙:可是你和李慕白谁也没有错啊?只怪那位孟大侠福薄,爱就爱了呗。
YU: I am a woman who, as all women, is bound by tradition. I do not know how it is with the aristocracy, but it weighs a lot on me. 秀莲:我虽然不是出身于你们这样的官宦人家,可是一个女人一生该服从的道德和礼教,并不少于你们。
LONG: Please, let's just be women. I would like us as sisters, I really want us be friends and be equal. 娇龙:别说你们我们,我要认你这个姐姐,以后你跟我说话不许这么见外了!
YU: Alright. Then as one sister to another, let me say I sincerely wish you the happiest of marriages. 秀莲:好!既然做你的姐姐,就希望你真的得到幸福。