Correction Reading - VOA 1- (01/06/11)

New: Follow Xiao Qian\'s advices


Now, the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.

There are many American expressions about insects -- like bees, for example. Bees are known as very hard workers. They always appear to be busy, moving around in their homes, or hives. So you might say you were as busy as a bee if you spent your weekend cleaning your house.

In fact, you might say your house was a beehive of activity if your whole family was helping you clean. You also might say you made a beeline for something if you went there right away. When we go to see a movie, my friend always makes a beeline for the place where they sell popcorn.



AU,R, TH 和 后尾音是我的弱项。特别加强了一下,大家看看有没有进步。

