兔子撞到树上了- 死得真冤枉。
无独有偶,昨天我上街也碰见莫名其妙的事。当时路上车不多。我发现一辆警车紧随我的车后。我停他停,我走他走,我拐弯他也拐弯。我纳闷:我的车已经做了年检,我也系了安全带,我的车也上了保险缴了钱。他紧跟着我干嘛?正纳闷,才小心在街口右拐,警车的灯就亮了。我自觉把车停到路边。一个男警察走出他的车,要了我的驾照。他问我知道违规了吗?我摇头说不知道。他指着路边的标志牌说我没有停车。我开了将近二十年的车,我知道,这个“Yield”标志,表示要谦让别的车辆先通过,如果周围没有车,完全不必停车,只要放缓慢速度拐弯就可以了。当我向警察解释的时候,警察说不对。按照新法律规定,Yield路牌下也要“Fully Stop”。我不想争辩,说不知道新法规。这个警察还算通情达理,他最后只是给了我一个“Warning”,就放我通行。

California is broke. They will ticket you for all the money they can get.
Please drive carefully and obey the law, the fine is really steep now. Make sure you count to 3 at every stop sign and count to 6 when you are making a RIGHT TURN on RED LIGHT. No more slow down and turn.
VC 12814.6 |
開車没帶驾照 |
$214 |
Failure to obey license provisions. |
VC 14600(A) |
换住址,在10天内没有及時通知DMV |
$214 |
Failure to notify DMV of address change within 10 days |
Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction. |
VC 16028(A) |
無法提供保險証明 |
$796 |
Failure to provide evidence of financial responsibility (insurance) |
Note: This fine may be reduced with proof of insurance on or after the violation date. |
VC 21453(A) |
闖紅燈 |
$436 |
Failure to stop at a red signal. |
VC 22350 |
超速,1到15英里 |
$214 |
VC 22349 |
Unsafe Speed, 1 to 15 miles over the limit. |
VC 22350 |
超高速,16到25英里 |
$328 |
VC 22349 |
Unsafe Speed, 16 to 25 miles over the limit. |
VC 22450 |
在停止牌前没有停住 |
$214 |
Failure to stop at a stop sign... |
VC 22454(A) |
超越校車红牌 |
$616 |
Passing a school bus with flashing red signals. |
VC 23123(A) |
第一次開車用手机 |
$148 |
Drive using wireless phone not hands free, First offense |
VC 23123(A) |
第二次及以後開車用手机 |
$256 |
Drive using wireless phone not hands free, For each subsequent offense. |
VC 23123.5(A) |
開車發簡訊 |
$148 |
Drive while wireless device to send, read or write text. |
VC 23124(B) |
16歲以下開車用手机 |
$148 |
Minor drive using wireless phone. |
VC 22500(I) |
違章停在商業卸貨區 |
$976 |
Parking in a bus loading area. |
VC 22507.8(A through C) |
第一次停在残障人車位 |
$976 |
Violation of disabled parking provisions, first offense. |
VC 22507.8(A through C) |
第二次停在残障人車位 |
$1876 |
Violation of disabled parking provisions, second offense. |
VC 26708(A) |
汽車窗口上放置違章物品 |
$178 |
Unlawful material on vehicle windows. |
VC 27150(A and B) |
消聲装置 |
$178 |
Adequate muffler required |
VC 27315(D and E) |
開車没繫安全带 |
$148 |
Mandatory use of seat belts. |
VC 27360(A and B) |
婴孩安全装置 |
$436 |
Mandatory use of child passenger restraints |
| | | | | |